Hi, another new user

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Hi, another new user

Post by sarahchalk »

Hi guys, just to introduce myself. i run 2 tanks - one marine and one freshwater - and have a garden pond. in the fresthwater tank i have a pangasius, approx 15 inches long, and what was reputed to be an upside down cat fish, but isn't. both were inherited from someone else (the pangasius was only 4 inches at the time - we've upgraded the tank twice since then!)
Does anyone know how long pangasius live? we've had stupid for over 6 years, very fond of him but not too sure what to do for him next.
the "upside down cat fish" (c8 inches) regularly has a go at stupid - you can see the marks on his sides. there's also a red-tailed shark, and 2 clown loach in the tank.

look forward from hearing from you soon!
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Post by Yann »

Hi Sarah

Welcome within the family!!
Regarding Pangasius, I am pretty sure these can live for at least 15 yrs when proper care is given and it seems that is what you give him as you uprgrade your tank twice to give him a decent home to swim in!!

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Post by magnum4 »

Welcome Sarah enjoy the forum.
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Post by S. Allen »

hi sarah, welcome to the board
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Post by Ben »

Welcome to PC Sarah! I'm sure you will enjoy your stay. :)
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Post by bottomdwellin »

Welcome aboard Sarah!
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