20 gallon

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20 gallon

Post by Taratron »

I'm trying to help a friend set up her 20 gallon tank (not a 20 long). The tank will be planted, and she's aiming for the following fish:

5-6 cardinal tetras
1 angelfish
5 bronze cories
2 bristlenose plecos

What do you all think?
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Post by Coryman »

I think the cardinals may eventually end up as a meal for the angel fish. Another species of tetra would be a better move.

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Post by MackIntheBox »

I dont like angel fish myself, so I would lose that one. just my opinion :razz:
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Post by Graeme »

A couple of Honey Gourami's would be better than a Angel in my opinion.

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Post by S. Allen »

but if you want the angelfish, then maybe some black phantom tetras like the one in your avatar, some lemon tetras, bleeding heart, serpae, maybe even diamond tetras.
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Post by Taratron »

Will an angel grow too large for a 20 gallon?
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Post by Ben »

The important thing with Angels, as compared to similar fish, is the hight of the tank. Gallon for fish, you should be fine, but a 20 gallon is pretty short for angels, in my opinion.

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