Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum

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Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum

Post by Sophos »

My tiger shovelnose is in my aquarium since 10 days and i think he just eat 4 convicts of about one inch,but i'm not sure

i'm anxious about his situation, well, i dont know when he will start eating...i putted it in a little 25 gallons with some little fishes, and im waiting

he is about 5 inch
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Post by Silurus »

I'm a little confused by your question. Are you worried that your catfish is eating its tankmates, or are you worried that it's not eating?
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Post by Sophos »

sorry, my english is not very good

i'm worried that the fish is not eating
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Post by katfishguy »

if it just ate 4 convicts, how can you be worried that it is not eating :lol:

also do you know that the p.togrinum can reach a length of about 4 feet+ ? and will eat anything that fits in its mouth ? If it is in a 25g, you will need to upgrade real soon. if fed properly it will hit 12" in 3-4 months
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Post by Sophos »

i have a 130 gallons

but i have make research about this fish and his lenght is supposed to be different from the P. Fasciatum who is supposed to reach a lenght of 100 centimeters

the P. Tigrinum is about 60 centimeters (I found it like in the Mergus or Baensch Tome 5)
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Post by Silurus »

Nope, P. tigrinum has been known to reach 130 cm.
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Post by Sophos »

so, the Baensh is supposed to be wrong

if it is the case, the fish will be to big for my aquarium

it is difficult to find the right information

what is your source ?

i found some place on internet like here: ... grinum.htm

on planetcatfish, the pictures present tigrinum and fasciatum, but they told that this is tigrinum

my goal is just to have the true information
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Post by Silurus »

FishBase lists the size at 130 cm here. They're not always right, but in this case they are.
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Post by Sophos »

ok, thank you very much silurus :D

so, here we restart with the fact that he is not eat enough to my eyes. Sure, 4 convicts, but 4 convicts of 1, maybe its enough for 10 days....?
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Post by Silurus »

Large carnivorous fish do not need to be fed all the time. They can go for weeks after a large meal without needing to eat again.
I wouldn't feed your fish more than twice or three times a week if you use a high-protein diet (like feeder fish). It also helps reduce the nitrate levels in your tank and makes maintenance easier.
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Post by Sophos »

hum, excellent, with your clarification, i'm sure that he is now all right

and I have an other question: if he are properly feed, is it all right to put it with cichlids ? like I put some little feeders fish so he will try to eat them and not the cichlids...who are more intelligent than red fish ?
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Post by Silurus »

I would not try to put the catfish with tankmates unless they are larger than it is and will remain so as the catfish grows.
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Post by katfishguy »

I have pics of dead P.tigrinum in Peru fish market that are atleast 4 feet long ! so yeah, they do grow BIG !
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