007 my vampire!

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Giovanna Galvani
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007 my vampire!

Post by Giovanna Galvani »

Well after 20 days having the galaxias I can say that he is absolutely a GREAT fish....I read everywhere that they need a lot of oxygene and very often they go up to the surface to breath.....my tank is a 200 lts. with 2 filters(internal and external)
and there are only 2 big discus along with the galaxias....but I never saw him going up to breath, at last during daylight. I could put an oxigenator inside but till now I didn't do that cause somebody told me that too much oxygen make the PH goes up....is that true? The PH in the tank is normally around 6,8/7 ....thanks for any info about the oxygene!

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Post by Yann »

HI Giovana!

Glad to hear that your Leporacanthicus galaxias is doing great.

You might want to check during the night how he do!
But he should be doing fine.
I don't think that adding a oxygenator ( airstone??) is needed and yes it will raise up the PH a bit.
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Post by RogerMcAllen »

The oxygenator forces CO2, which is an acid, out of the water raising the pH.
Giovanna Galvani
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Post by Giovanna Galvani »


Precious info! Yes! it should be an airstone, but I will control during the dark hours eventhough is very difficult to follow 007's movements!!! Thank you!
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Post by Kostas »

Although i have 4 airstones in my Leporacanthicus tank,Ph is 6,8.I also think that you should add airstone because your tank has a high temprature which decreases the oxyzen content.
Giovanna Galvani
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Post by Giovanna Galvani »

Hi Yann & Kostas!

Thanks for your suggestions! But now I'm confused :lol: . I will wait next Thursday when the man who makes the monthly mintenance of the tank will clean up the filters to see what to do about the airstone.....you know since I'm 65 now, it's very hard for me to take off the filters and make a true clean up of everythings :roll:

see you on the board! Giovanna (Rome was sunny today!!!) and her band!
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Post by Dinyar »


If you feel additional oxygenation is necessary (and it may not be), in most situations you will be better off with a power head than with an air stone! If you get a power head, get the kind with Venturi aeration and keep it close to the surface.

Giovanna Galvani
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Thanks Dinyar!

Post by Giovanna Galvani »

Hi Dinyar, this is just a wonderful idea....I forgot that my internal filter is just of that kind you mentioned and the power head inside has Venturi aeration!!!! I surely can control it better than an airstone! and the exit of the air is just at 3 cms. from the surface.....THANK YOU so much....will try this of course with an eye on the PH....
Regards! Giovanna
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