Introducing Myself

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Introducing Myself

Post by ruud65 »

Hello everyone,

My name is Ruud komen and I am from Amsterdam.
I have been keeping fish for quite some time now but never got to catfish.
Well some Corydoras but nothing seriously biotope right if you know what I mean.
Since One and a half year I am planning and building a new tank (about 800L) which is going to be a blackwater biotope.It will be a Rio Urubaxi tank wich means a lot of bogwood and few plants and the main inhabitants will be Geophagus Winemilleri.
Furthermore there will be Hyphessobrycon Phyrronothus in it and some catfish. Probably Peckoltia Braueri but I am always open to suggestions.
I have been reading on this forum for a little while now and I'm overwelmed by the knowledge that is going round.I know for sure that I am going to learn a lot about catfish here.

ruud komen

I will probably be a lurker for some time because I have no knowledge to share yet.(don't hold it against me)
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Re: Introducing Myself

Post by Jools »

Welcome along Ruud.

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Re: Introducing Myself

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Welcome, friend. I am sure you are just being modest. You will see where you can help out with your experience and knowledge. Your post speaks for itself: you are a serious, intelligent hobbyist and a great addition to this forum.
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Re: Introducing Myself

Post by MatsP »

Welcome to Planet Catfish, Ruud!

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Re: Introducing Myself

Post by andywoolloo »

Welcome Ruud!!
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Interests: Tanganyika Catfish, African catfish, Non-loricariid sucker-catfish.
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Re: Introducing Myself

Post by Richard B »

Howdy! :d
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Re: Introducing Myself

Post by kwalker »

:d Welcome to planetcatfish from way across the pond in ohio. Usa.
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Re: Introducing Myself

Post by minkweir »

Hello here too :d
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Re: Introducing Myself

Post by medaka »

Greetings and Welcome to Planet Catfish guys
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Re: Introducing Myself

Post by corybrummie2010 »

Hello Ruud,welcome to PlanetCatfish :-BD
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Re: Introducing Myself

Post by Phyllonemus »

Hello Ruud, welcome to Planet Catfish.

Greetings, from Amersfoort
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