New Loricariinae genus from Peru

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New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by racoll »

Rodriguez, M.S., Ortega, H. and Covain, R. 2011. Intergeneric phylogenetic relationships in catfishes of the Loricariinae Siluriformes: Loricariidae), with the description of Fonchiiloricaria nanodon: a new genus and species from Peru. Journal of Fish Biology. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2011.03047.x

Abstract here.
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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by The.Dark.One »

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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by Norman »

No, it isn't.
There are too much differences between both species.
A look to the teeth (possible with the pics here in PCF) shows that LG6 (or Loricariinae sp. 1) have a row of numerous premaxillary teeth whereas Fonchiiloricaria nanodon have very reduced premaxillary teeth with a number of 1 to 3 (Etymology of this species!).
Next to the fact of the differences in tooth structure you find a lot of other differences in body charcteristics of both species. But I think the differences in tooth structure is distinct.

I don't think that this species ever was caught for export or was seen by aquarists.

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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by Raph »


I agree with Norman, Fonchiiloricaria nanodon is definitely a distinct genus and species from Peru. It more or less reaches the size of a Spatuloricaria. What aquarists call Loricariinae sp.1 or LG6 (if the number is correct) just represents fanciful names for Rineloricaria parva (I already wrote this several times, but urban legends are robust). In the same way, Rineloricaria sp. red (and all other associated names) just represents a breeding form of Rineloricaria lanceolata (like your double tail, double blue, high fin, stardust, balloon Betta splendens is not a distinct species and sometimes even distinct genus of the wild form). Fonchiiloricaria nanodon has already been occasionaly exported under the denomination Loricaria sp Yellow Tato.

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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by Norman »

Hi Raphael,
What aquarists call Loricariinae sp.1 or LG6 (if the number is correct) just represents fanciful names for Rineloricaria parva (I already wrote this several times, but urban legends are robust).
Are you sure? (I think you are! ;) )
I've never heard about that!
Can you explain please?
Fonchiiloricaria nanodon has already been occasionaly exported under the denomination Loricaria sp Yellow Tato.
I don't heared that denomination before. I will have a look for them.
Do you know anyone in europe who has imported them?

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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by Raph »

Hi Norman,

My statement about R. parva is based on examination of type specimens from BMNH, and examination of freshly collected specimens from Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. If I'm correct some pictures of types are available on the ACSI database. Just look at the shape of the head ;-). I also sequenced these specimens (not the types of course, the others) and found neitheir morphological nor genetic diferences between R. parva and LG6. It is a widespread species in the La Plata, Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay drainages. The statement about LG6 as a distinct genus is only based on the suposed different breeding behaviour, what is not serious in an evolutioany perspective (behavioural aspects are rather plastic and able to evolve very rapidly from one species to the other).

Concerning the denomination Loricaria sp Yellow Tato, I'm not sure that there are pictures still available on the internet, but I have one from 2004 taken on the internet site of Aquarium Rio Momon in Peru. Maybe you should contact Martin for that (and in German, this should be easier).

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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by Norman »

Hi Raphael,

Thank you for your explanation!
Unfortunately I don't have access to the ACSI database, so I cannot have a look for the headshape of the typematerial of H. parva.

I will try to contact Martin for that. Thanks a lot - I have seen it - and I am really amazed! :-)

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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by Silurus »

Norman wrote:Unfortunately I don't have access to the ACSI database, so I cannot have a look for the headshape of the typematerial of H. parva.
You don't need to log in as a member to see that image: ... get=130579
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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by Norman »

Thank you very much!
Browsing on ACSI don't leads me to the imagebase... :-\

By viewing this picture of the (Para-?) Lectotype it's possible determining LG6 as H. parva. The shape of the head as well as the large dorsal fin are unique for Rineloricaria sensu lato.
Thanks a lot Raphael, this is very interesting!

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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by Jools »

Raph wrote:I already wrote this several times, but urban legends are robust.
Sorry, I missed that. If we are to combat urban legends, this site is a good start! There is a lot of info in all of this - I think it about time we unpick it and update the site?

I will also see if I can get hold of an image of the n. sp. maybe just from the paper.

All assistance welcome.

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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by The.Dark.One »

Perhaps Norman and Raph could have a look at this thread? ... 57#p228882
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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by Norman »


I've seen it this morning.
Unfortunately here at work, pictures of most image hosters are blocked. I am sorry but I don't see any picture in your thread, so I cannot say anything about it.

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Re: New Loricariinae genus from Peru

Post by Jools »

New genus & species has been added to the site as .

Thanks Raph!

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