Looking for a tadpole madtom noturus gyrinus

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Looking for a tadpole madtom noturus gyrinus

Post by sweet93 »

I've been searching the net over for somebody who sells tadpole madtoms with no luck. All we have in my area are brindled madtoms which I have several in my 75gal tank that range from 1.5" to 5" in size. I would love to add a few tadpole madtoms to my collection but I'm having no luck. I would even be willing to do a fish trade if anybody would be up for it.
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Re: Looking for a tadpole madtom noturus gyrinus

Post by Silurus »

Several places I searched sell them:

http://www.btdarters.com/content/pages/ ... s_fish.htm


Although with the kind of prices asked for them, you're probably better off trying to catch some yourself. Since tadpole madtoms are one of the most widespread species in North America, I find it difficult to believe that you would not be within a short driving distance of a location where you can catch some yourself.
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Re: Looking for a tadpole madtom noturus gyrinus

Post by sweet93 »

Thanks for the couple sites that sell tadpole madtoms. I would hate to pay that much for a fish if I could go catch it somewhere. I agree that it's hard to believe there are none in this state. After doing research at our state's division of natural resources page, the tadpole madtom is not listed. We have several of the others but no tadpole madtoms.
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Re: Looking for a tadpole madtom noturus gyrinus

Post by Shane »

I find it difficult to believe that you would not be within a short driving distance of a location where you can catch some yourself.
This would be true east of the continental divide, not so true out west. That said, we know the poster is back east as comes from the White River, Indiana. Indiana has six species of madtoms, to include .

I would suggest you contact the Illinois-Indiana Regional Chapter of NANFA. Someone should be able to share a good collecting spot with you in your area.


"My journey is at an end and the tale is told. The reader who has followed so faithfully and so far, they have the right to ask, what do I bring back? It can be summed up in three words. Concentrate upon Uganda."
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