L052 spawned but were eaten by snails...

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L052 spawned but were eaten by snails...

Post by CUPfishhead »

Has anyone had problems with ramshorns eating pleco eggs before???
My L052 spawned :d and lasted about 5 days. x( While doing my normal checks I noticed the egg mass about half the size it was the first day. I attributed the partial loss to being the first spawn and it was not the dominate male, nor a good cave for protection. At 5 days I was looking for the eggs and seeing how they were developing and to my disdain they were being eaten by some common ramshorn, and they were partially developed making it worse. :(( I have them in the tank to make the water softer and lower the pH but since have been removing all my larger snails just to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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Re: L052 spawned but were eaten by snails...

Post by MatsP »

I'd expect that the main problem wasn't the snails, but some other factor(s), and once the eggs died, the snails moved in to munch on the extra protein available. Good news is that they laid eggs in the first place - so you should be able to get more ...

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Re: L052 spawned but were eaten by snails...

Post by CUPfishhead »

Wahooo they spawned again!!!! :d Separated them to their own tank, hopeing that will do the trick.
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Re: L052 spawned but were eaten by snails...

Post by lotsabettas »

Hope this time it all goes well :D
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Re: L052 spawned but were eaten by snails...

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Hope you`l get some this time...
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Re: L052 spawned but were eaten by snails...

Post by CUPfishhead »

:(( Eggs gone again. no trace this time. Thinking its because they arent full size yet?? Any ideas??? Thanks
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