@shane: Well, as mentioned before, this tank was conceived for
Sewelia loaches. Loricarids never entered my mind. The tank is all “Mexican beach pebble” of varying size. I’d say the smallest ones in there are still ping-pong to golf ball sized. There is no substrate, and the plecos can swim just about everywhere under the pebbles. Plants are all java fern and a couple sad little
The main filter is an Eheim Ecco 2232 with uptake on the far left, behind the largest java fern. The outtake then blows across the left bubble curtain to the center of the tank. There is a Duetto DJ100 (with a DJ50 canister) in the middle of the tank which furthers the current flowing to the right corner. There is a bubble wand on the right side, but it was the very fine kind and has essentially clogged up now. I need to get off my arse and replace it someday. Finally, a DJ100 on the far right blows current to the front right corner of the tank and around. The result is essentially a circular current swirling around the outer edge of the tank, back to the Eheim intake. The currents are quite strong, and there are always fine little bubbles throughout the water column.
Tank = 55g
Lighting = One 48” fl. Tube. PetSmart variety of some kind.
Inhabitants = 3.2 White Clouds, 3.2.2 Cherry Barbs, and apparently 1.1 Chaetostoma sp.
Temp = 74-76°F usually….lately 78-80F with our heat wave.
Water chemistry = unknown. City tap water treated with Amquel, generally 7.8 pH out of the tap. I don’t even own any test strips, sorry.
Water changes = Roughly once every two months, approximately 20%. Between water changes, I just top off to account for evaporation loss. Not kidding.
Food = flakes for the barbs, algae wafers for the plecos. Roughly 1-2 times a week.
I can't get photos of the plecos themselves...I get within 3 or 4 feet of the tank and they dash under rocks. They look essentially like the animals in the thread that Dave posted a link to.
@grokefish: As for survival of future offspring, they wont receive any special measures from me. But I’m pretty sure at least a couple will survive because the root masses on those java ferns are massive below the pebbles. I make my tanks for small bio-loads for my criminally low care levels. The barbs spawned in there and a couple fry survived. Hopefully it will be roughly the same with the plecos. Honestly, I don’t look forward to finding homes for ~75 little