The tank has a water level of 35cm but the tank is 50cm high. The reason is because I want to keep the Copella arnoldi in this tank together with some dwafcichlids and some Loricariidae. The reason why the water level stands on 35cm is because above water I want let Philodendron sp. or Syngonium sp. grow to let the Copella's show their natural behaviour of spawning. Underwater I used a lot of wood and some plants. The plants that I used are:
4 Echinodorus radicans
some Eichhornia diversifolia
6 Echinodorus parviflora tropica
2 Hydrocleis nymphoides
The tank has two filters on it and a external heater. I used two 50W GU10 halogen lights above the tank and I will ad one or two more 25W GU10 halogen to create some light for the Philodendron or Syngonium.
Fish that I want to let swim in this tank are:
2m 5f Dicrossus maculatus (Already got three)
2m 6f Copella arnoldi
25 Nannostomus unifasciatus
6 Hypoptopoma thoracatum (already got three)
4 Hemiloricaria teffeana or sp. Amazonia
few Taeniacara candidi