I have 5 Cory Sterbai and 6 Otos (at least 2 species, I'm unsure which exactly) that during the last four months or so have become increasingly shy.
The corys have gone from happy aquarium clowns, that played all day if full view, to invisible recluses. If they happen to be in the open and a person gets within 3 meters (10 feet) of the tank, they bolt to "safety" and hide in the plants. The otos used to munch algae on all sides of the aquarium and on the plants/decor - now they are nowhere to be seen during the day.
At night, both corys and otos come out and play in the filter outflow current and in the air bubbles. But if I get near they panic and run as soon as they can see me.
They did not change their personality suddenly, there has been a slow change over several months.
I would much appreciate any help in identifying the problem!
1. Water parameters
a) Temperature range: around 26 C (~79 F)
b) pH: around 6.8
c) GH: 9
d) KH: 5
e)Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, levels: ammonia, nitrite practically zero, nitrate varies 25-40 ppm
f) Water change frequency: 50% weekly
2. Tank set up
a) Size: 12g
b) Substrate: ADA Amazonia New Powder in the back, sand in front
c) Filtration: Eheim 2074
d) Furnishings: plants, a few stones
e) Other tank mates: snails
f) How long has it been set-up: version 1, since February; current version, since 3 weeks ago
3. Symptoms / Problem description
All my catfish are hiding all day long. Believe it or not, there are 11 fish in this pic:
4. Action taken (if any)
My previous setup had gravel instead of sand - I didn't realize initially that it's not good for the corys. I thought that's why my corys were becoming more shy. So about 3 weeks ago I reset my tank completely and replaced all the substrate with fine-grained. There was no positive effect, they just continued to become more and more shy.
5. Medications used (if any)
No medication.