My cute gourami. :)

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Do you like him? Is he cute?

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My cute gourami. :)

Post by michelle56 »

Awwwwllll, I got a cute Red Fire Dwarf Gourami on Tuesday, he is sooooo cute!!!!
He is at: enjoy!!!
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Post by König Löwe »

um... You might consider moving the gourami to the top of the site. The first fish you see is not a gourami, it's a tetra. You have to go to the very bottom of the site to see the gourami in question...
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Post by coelacanth »

Michelle, it's probably more to do with the fact that this fish is a cultivar rather than anyone being mean about your new fish. This means that you won't find a fish like this in nature, it has been bred that way from the wild Dwarf Gourami (which is a very beautiful fish). Most people here like their fish au naturel (remember when you asked about albino fish?) particularly as Catfish are such fantastic examples of evolution just as they are. A lot of the list members may have started off keeping fish just like yours, but as they've become more interested in Catfish their preferences have moved away from anything that isn't found in nature. Take a look at the set-ups in 'Shane's World' on the Planet Catfish main site, and have a think about why they're done that way. All your fish look very healthy, so you enjoy them as they are (especially your Glassfish, not an easy fish to keep), but when you get the chance take a look at some pictures of wild fish and you'll see that although they may not always be as brightly coloured they often have a more subtle and lasting beauty.
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Post by Sid Guppy »

Colisa lalia is a nice fish, second that.

My first homebred Anabantoids ever were lalia's. (the blue-red striped variety)

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: when I looked at your tanks! Taste differs, but -if you don't mind pulling a leg or two, just for fun- your tanks look psychadelic :wink:

Good thing I quit acid years ago; Fear & Loathing in the Fishtank
:D :D :D :wink:
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Post by Ron »

SG_Eurystomus wrote:Good thing I quit acid years ago; Fear & Loathing in the Fishtank
:D :D :D :wink:

Great analogy~! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Caol_ila »


Not commenting the blue gravel....i find this "plant" very saddening...
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Post by coelacanth »

SG_Eurystomus wrote:Good thing I quit acid years ago; Fear & Loathing in the Fishtank :D :D :D :wink:
I think that Michelle is one of our younger members, and so hopefully won't know what you are referring to....
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Post by michelle56 »

I've tried to kill the pain,but only brought more(so much more) I lay dying, and I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal I'm dying,praying,bleeding,and screaming...Am I too lost to be saved? Am I too lost? My God my Tourniquet return to Salvation, My God my Tourniquet return to me Salvation.
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Red fire gourami

Post by kateswan »

Michelle -

My daughters have blue dwarf males & females,
and a big red fire gourami which they love.
(Even though it's probably male, they call it

The dwarf gouramis are graceful, interesting
fish to watch.

My family has found that keeping aquariums is
a constant learning experience . . . not only
about the fish, but about the tank environment
and the equipment. When we first starting
keeping fish we bought some "fruit salad" tetras,
which we later found to our horror were injected
with dyes to get those colors.
Now my daughters share this information with
other customers in front of tanks that contain these
fish. Since so many marine fish are highly colored
it never occurred to us that it's unusual to find
really bright colors in freshwater fish.

We keep reading and learning. I hope you continue
to do so, too, and enjoy keeping healthy fish.
This site is one great place for further education!

Kathy S
"Animals without backbones hid from each other or fell down."
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