Catfish for a 20 gallon

Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
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Catfish for a 20 gallon

Post by araceae »

I have a 20 long with a sand bottom, a large rock cave, and many smaller rocks and a few pieces of driftwood. I also have some live plants in it.
I am looking for a species of catfish that likes to retreat to caves and likes to be in groups. I also need the fish to not grow too large. If the fish was able to be bred in the tank that would be great too.

Any ideas?
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Re: Catfish for a 20 gallon

Post by MatsP »

Almost any of the or

There are almost an infinite number of other choices. Go look in your LFS and see what you find, and ask if we think they are OK.

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Re: Catfish for a 20 gallon

Post by Phyllonemus »

Doradids like , and many more Doradid species.
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Re: Catfish for a 20 gallon

Post by Richard B »

Imparfinus sp would be a neat fish.

Breeding though? Maybe Ancistrus claro or Ancistrus sp4. Or a group of corydoras pygmaeus
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Re: Catfish for a 20 gallon

Post by araceae »

Phyllonemus wrote:Doradids like , and many more Doradid species.
Will any of the smaller doradids breed easily in captivity and how do they do it?
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Re: Catfish for a 20 gallon

Post by MatsP »

Not aware of any regular/repeated breeding of Doradids. We have had a single fry found in a tank from .

Rumour has it that they often breed at the end of dry season and a breeding trigger is "dirty tank conditions". However, this is fairly unconfirmed.

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Re: Catfish for a 20 gallon

Post by 2wheelsx2 »

I think a small group of L129 or L340 would fit. Mine hang out together in my rock caves.
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Re: Catfish for a 20 gallon

Post by araceae »

Maybe a picture of the tank willl help?
I added in 3 Ilyodons temporarily, they will be taken out when I get my catfish.

I love plecos but I think that a mid- low level swimmer would be better.

give me stocking ideas and creative criticisms on the decor. :-p
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Re: Catfish for a 20 gallon

Post by araceae »

Still not sure what I am going to go with in this tank.

I have a 100 gallon tank I am thinking about getting some catfish for too. But species that dont need heat probably.
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