Peckoltia Brevis - would it eat another pleco?

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Peckoltia Brevis - would it eat another pleco?

Post by jprime84 »

I have a tank that has a Peckoltia Brevis probably full grown, and it should also have a small 1.5-2inch bristlenose pleco. I havent seen the smaller pleco in the tank in a few days. The only other inhabitant is a clown pleco. Would the Brevis have eaten the smaller pleco without a trace?
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Re: Peckoltia Brevis - would it eat another pleco?

Post by MatsP »

Most plecos will eat dead fish, including other plecos. But they are not predators (as far as I'm aware, no pleco will eat fish that are able to swim).

However, I have many times had plecos hide for extended periods of time.

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