ABN with ich?

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ABN with ich?

Post by dkimtonf »

Hi Folks!
Anyone know if ABN can get ich? I bought some albino bushynose pleco's from petco (I know, I know), and one of them has flesh colored spots on its underside. Is this normal? The spots are not white, but look like bumps from it's abdomen. These bumps are no where else on the body. Will try and post pics, but they really don't show the bumps that well. Anyone have experience with ich in ABN? What would it look like? Would they get it all over, including on their bony scales?
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Re: ABN with ich?

Post by MatsP »

A photo would help. The white spots on the brown fish will be there on the albinos too, so that may be what you are seeing. I don't think I've ever had any ich on bristlenoses, but it is not impossible for them to have Ich, and I have used Ich medication in a tank with bristlenoses.

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