Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
Here is an extremely bad photo of my eeltailed catfish. I cannot find much information about Australian catfish, but from the few pictures that I have seen, maybe Kitty is a neosilurus ater? I just attached the photo so that you can kinda see his colour, his 'mottled' appearance.
Would anyone mind telling me at least how to tell the difference between silurus species until I (somehow) get a better picture of him/her?
Thank you in advance!
that may be mottled, but we don't have live pictures of them.
For the species listed above, there is some identification information - but I've never seen anything but pictures of the fish, so I have no additional information above and beyond what the pages say.
Thanks for you help I can't see much difference between them lol
But Kitty does kind of look like a Porochilus rendahli, at least I hope so, because they only get to 20cm
So, reading the identification section, the head shape and eye-position should be significant identification points. Try to see how they compare between the pictures of the other species...
-- this fish is from Australia, right?
-- Which part?
-- Wild-caught or captive-bred?
-- If purchased, from where, how much and what the shop ID was?
Answers may help an expert (not me) help you. There are resident Aussies and Kiwies here, professionals (ichthyologists) and high level amatuers, amongst other sources of best help.
I just assumed that he was from Australia, do eeltailed catfish live anywhere else but australasia? I have no idea if he was captive bred or wild caught. I purchased him at a pet store and I can't remember the label, it was probably just 'catfish' or something, and I can't remember the cost either, though he wouldn't have been more than $15. Haha, I'm not very much help am I?
stephjane wrote:Haha, I'm not very much help am I?
The best thing you could do is get some higher quality photos I think.
I also notice the catfish is hiding directly under the heater. If he does this a lot, then to avoid heater burns I would consider either getting a heater guard, or moving the heater and providing an alternative place to hide (such as a PVC pipe).
I got him! Using my FABULOUS photography skills and...borrowing my mum's camera
racoll wrote:I also notice the catfish is hiding directly under the heater. If he does this a lot, then to avoid heater burns I would consider either getting a heater guard, or moving the heater and providing an alternative place to hide (such as a PVC pipe).
Oh, the heater was just where he went to avoid having his picture taken. He loves hiding (very successfully) in his large java fern and there a large hollow driftwood that no one wants to use
Great catfish. A lot of people on here will be very envious.
Aussies moan that they aren't allowed to keep all kinds of imported fishes, but nobody else in the world can get hold of these!
I did actually have an Australian plotosid once, that I bought in the UK over 17 years ago! I never saw them in any store since, and I never even found out what species it was. Sadly, I gave him away.
He's about 15cm now and growing. He's been pretty hardy for me He's survived low tank maintenance, an ich outbreak, as well as fighting/playing with Clown Loaches (they have retractable spines under their eyes so sometimes he was pretty scratched up!)
Kitty is easily my favourite fish in the tank, and I'm so glad that my tank is big enough for his/her adult size
Aussies moan that they aren't allowed to keep all kinds of imported fishes, but nobody else in the world can get hold of these!
Very true, native fish seem to be among the worst sellers at aquarium shops in Australia. I'm a member of ANGFA, pretty sad to see a lack of interest in our native fish, everyone wants L-Numbers or whatever. Been getting into local natives recently, easy to keep outdoors, better then goldfish.