WTB: Male L144.

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WTB: Male L144.

Post by mistern2005 »

I have flip-flopped. I was going to sell my 2 females, but time got away from me and they were so difficult to catch. I've decided instead to look to procure a little boy friend to accompany them.

I'd like to find a male L144 - preferably long finned, but I'll take a short finned. Must be clearly sexable.

I'll purchase outright or work a trade for L046 (zebra pleco) juveniles.

Please PM me.
I haven't met too many plecos I didn't like...
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Re: WTB: Male L144.

Post by MatsP »

You probably won't find L144 in the US, and certainly there is no record whatsoever of L144 being available in long-finned variant. You are probably looking for the long-finned variant of (compare . Admittedly, you are far from the only one calling the "new form" L144. But it is not (as far as we can tell) L144.

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Re: WTB: Male L144.

Post by mistern2005 »

Mats - you are indeed correct! I've just gotten use to calling them "L144" or "Blue-eyed albino bristlenose plecos"....all which I agree are slang.
I haven't met too many plecos I didn't like...
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