Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
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Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by jprime84 »

Hey all. I have kept fish for a few years now. Currently, I have two african cichlid tanks running.

However, I previously had a 40 gallon planted with rainbows and a clown pleco. I loved the personality that the pleco had, especially while defending his spirulina wafer or slice of cucumber from the boisterous rainbows. I sold this tank to a friend and I no longer own the clown pleco, but I enjoyed it while I had it.

I have a 20g long sitting around, and the thought had crossed my mind a few times to turn it into a south american catfish tank with some variety of pleco and some corydoras. What I am looking for is input on particular species suitable to live together in a 20g long. I thought about trying to make it as much like a river as possible, with a small canister filter outlet on the left end of the tank pushing a current towards the right end of the tank.

What ideas do you have?
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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by Birger »

I would think you could go with something like in this size of tank and add a Dwarf cory such as which is more of a schoaling species and would utilize the middle depths of the tank more.
Going with these you would still have the possibility of them reproducing as well...the claro for sure.

These fish mentioned are not impossible to find either.

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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by jprime84 »

How many of these species?
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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by MatsP »

If they are sexable, I'd go for two (male + female) of the A. claro, and a group of about 10 of the corys (assuming you don't want other fish in the tank).

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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by jprime84 »

This brings up the question of where is a good resource to purchase these fish?
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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by MatsP »

Acnistrus claro is not the easiest to find. They look similar to common ancistrus, so aren't "worth" the extra price for wild-caught fish compared to captive bred ones that are half the price. Try Aquabid.

Small corys aren't that hard to find, as long as you're not too concerned about which of the three species you get.

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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by joefish72b »

jprime84 wrote:This brings up the question of where is a good resource to purchase these fish?
Corydoras habrosus http://www.planetcatfish.com/corydoras_habrosus.php which is a common pygmy type sold in our area so you may find it in your Local Fish Store (LFS). I sell them for $1 each but I'm out of stock on them right now and I don't know for sure when I'll get them again.
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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by jprime84 »

Uh oh, my mind is beginning to wonder... "Maybe if I just get a new 55gal, I can get some of the slightly larger species..."

I will have to track down a place for the tank and get started. My plan is to finalize tank size decision, then get a sand substrate and some wood, rocks, and low light plants in place. I will then revisit the fish selection.
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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by MatsP »

Bear in mind that a 125g tank only takes a little more space than a 55g, because they are both 4ft long and about 2ft tall (19" vs. 24") - the 125 takes up a bit more "stick out from the wall" space, but only about 12".

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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by 2wheelsx2 »

MatsP wrote:Bear in mind that a 125g tank only takes a little more space than a 55g, because they are both 4ft long and about 2ft tall (19" vs. 24") - the 125 takes up a bit more "stick out from the wall" space, but only about 12".
That's what we call a standard 120 gal over here. But sticking out a bit more is a bit deceptive, since it's almost 2x as far out from the wall. But yes, Mats is right, a 120, as I found out, would be much more effective a tank than a 55. Same as a 180 is more effective than a 125 (24" vs 18" wide). The wider footprint allows you to do a lot more territorial separation and scaping. One thing though, is that I can pick up an empty 55 gallon myself, but forget about trying that with the 120. :D
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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by jprime84 »

Not to mention the cost difference. I dont know that I am ready to put that much cash into this tank. The room this is going to already has a 75 gal tank in it!
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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by MatsP »

Sorry, confused myself between the 125g and 120g. Yes, I'm well aware of the difference in weight. I'm not sure there is a huge difference in price - at least not here. Sure, you clearly pay more for a bigger tank...

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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by jprime84 »

How about 1 or 2 green phantom plecos, 3-4 clown plecos, 3-4 BNs, and a pair of german blue rams in a planted 40g long?
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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by MatsP »

jprime84 wrote:3-4 BNs
After a year, this will be 100 BN's, I'd guess, assuming you don't get all females (or possibly all males, but they can fight if you are unlucky).

Otherwise, I don't see any real problem with that setup.

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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by jprime84 »

100? Wow. Prolific little guys. I don't want to be constantly removing fry. Perhaps some species of Cory instead of the BNs, or maybe just1 bn and something else.
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Re: Hello! New guy looking for input.

Post by MatsP »

1 Bristlenose (to keep the glass clean) and a small group (5-6) of corys would definitely work...

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