Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
wonderful cats you have there, huh?
I'd love having that second one.. (the big mouth black one)
bu there is't anything like that on my area.. and no fish store would be interested in bringing it to me.
How cold is that river?
is it natural or a drainage?
both of the mentionned cory species are known to be very variable in colouration and I have never heard of the lines being a decisive characteristic for the identification or distinction of these two species. From pictures they are hard or impossible to tell apart.
If I am not mistaken the Rio Taruma is close to Manaus, right ?!
This should be too far in the west for C. julii.
On the other side the typical locations of C. trilineatus are even further in the west, in or close to Peru and Ecuador.
This could be a new variant of the trilineatus complex, a catching location of C. trilineatus or a new species. Who knows...
I don't think that this is C 120, the blotch in the dorsal does not seem to be right (too roundish).
Moreover, the origin of C 120 is Peru (Madre de Dios)...