Breeding L177

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Breeding L177

Post by rhibear »

Has anyone managed to breed L177 Gold Nuggets in an aquarium?

I've read everything I can find online about gold nuggets, including the articles and Cat-eLog pages on PlanetCatfish. There is reference to breeding "Gold Nuggets" but no specific L numbers and the Cat-eLog page for L177 states 'breeding: unreported'.
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Re: Breeding L177

Post by MatsP »

As far as I'm are aware, there hasn't been any verifiable breeding of L177. I believe Larry Vires (pleco_breeder) wrote about breeding L18 or L81 in his "Tricks of the trade" booklet.

I would expect them to breed similar to other plecos, but they aren't the easiest fish to keep due to their need of high temperature, high oxygen levels and plenty of vegetarian food, and rumoured to be territorial when they get more mature.

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Re: Breeding L177

Post by husky_jim »

There was a great presentation on breeding L177 in the first L-Number days, (almost) two years ago.

Here some pics i took back then...

As i can remember and you can see from the slides they where bred in extremely high temperatures!!!

I can't wait the next L-Number days!!!!! :-BD

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Re: Breeding L177

Post by Champ-BKK »

Thank you for sharing Jim
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Re: Breeding L177

Post by PlecoCrazy »

Yes, thanks for sharing. I had heard they gave this talk there and was really disappointed I didn't get to hear it. Thanks for sharing some of the slides. I'm normally afraid to see any tank hanging in the 90 Degree mark. I never would have thought to crank the heat up that high! I wonder what some of the items are in the food picture?
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Re: Breeding L177

Post by MatsP »

Now that I've been reminded of this, this happened in a Zoo, didn't it? And they basically grind up all those food items (in an commercial kitchen mixing machine), and smear it over pieces of wood too make food that is constantly available.

I'm not entirely sure what all the food is either - brussel sprouts and carrots I do recognise. I think the crossed over meaty stuff at the back right is liver, and clearly these are not piscivores.

The first slide says:
Water temperature
Environmental conditions

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Re: Breeding L177

Post by exasperatus2002 »

If I saw my tank at 93.2*F, I'd have thought my heater was blowing up. Wow no wonder its not really bred.
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Re: Breeding L177

Post by rhibear »

Well that's a tad discouraging.
Thank you for all the info and for sharing those slides.
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Re: Breeding L177

Post by Simon86 »

this happened in a Zoo, didn't it?
No it was a swiss guy. But I guess you connect it with the zoo because there was an article in "Amazonas" with similar picture from Zoo Basel :d
We often make food here ourself. Don't know how you guys handle it. Usually we mix shrimps, mussels, fish filets and vegetables (like carrot, spinach, potato,...). More or less vegetables if the pleco is carnivor or herbivor! Then we mix all together in a mixer, fill the "paste" in plastic bag and put in the freezer! Once needed you break it and throw in the tank :))

Cheers Simon
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