Tank Mate Compatability

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Tank Mate Compatability

Post by theviper06 »

Hello everyone,

I am thinking of buying a Synodontis Angelicus to add to my 55 Gallon tank, and I am wondering if it will get along with my other synodontis catfish? I have a Synodontis Eupterus, Synodontis Decorus, and Synodontis Flavitaeniatus.

Also since this catfish is a little expensive, I am wondering how hard Synodontis Angelicus are to keep?

Thanks for any help you can offer.
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Re: Tank Mate Compatability

Post by MatsP »

I don't believe that S. angelicus is particularly difficult to keep as such. However, they are quite territorial, and can be quite intolerant to other synos - particularly those of similar size to itself. Given the current inhabitants in your tank, I'd suggest that you DON'T mix S. angelicus with them - it is POSSIBLE that it would work, but I would trust it in the longer term.

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Re: Tank Mate Compatability

Post by Birger »

It may work as the angelica is smaller but as it grows it will assert itself more and more, the decora and flavitaeniata are fairly peaceful and and may get the brunt of the aggression, the eupterus is hardy and could handle things but with angelica things can turn bad suddenly.

The size of the tank is an issue as well, you would have a hard time to get good growth from both the angelica and the decora and the angelica would most likely eventually claim most of the tank.

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Re: Tank Mate Compatability

Post by Richard B »

I wouldn't do it.

Flavitaeniata are very peaceful. Euptera & Decora are not bad but angelica can be very aggressive to other synos. It a big tank it is possible to mix a number of species with varying degrees of aggressiveness - like a 5x2x2 and above but i'm always wary with tanks any smaller unless real focus and forthought are applied
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Re: Tank Mate Compatability

Post by theviper06 »

Thanks a lot for all the quick replies, and advice about keeping the angelicus. I can't pass up the deal bc I found some for really cheap, cheaper than I have ever seen them before, so I may get them and put them in their own tank.

Does anyone have any suggestion to maybe some others synodontis that might get along well with the ones I already have in the tank?
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Re: Tank Mate Compatability

Post by Birger »

My best suggestion would be to get more of the flavitaeniata, I think they do well in groups and you get to see better interaction as opposed to a grab bag of different species...the eupterus and especially the decora will eventually be cramped in this tank.

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Re: Tank Mate Compatability

Post by Richard B »

Birger makes an excellent suggestion for adding more flavi's :-BD

If you did want to add another species What about S Alberti?
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Re: Tank Mate Compatability

Post by Birger »

alberti would be a good choice as far as size, they are often available right now as well. I find my alberti are not as drab as they look on many pictures but they are the most reclusive of all my synos so far except for my blind one, I see it the most.

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