Cory panda breeding setup

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Cory panda breeding setup

Post by taheton »

Hi, Ive got a 10 gall tank with moss and cory panda they breed every now and then but when I notice the eggs are eaten and just parts of the shells atached to the glass, any fry had ever survived the parents so to get eggs I had to mess up all the moss and decoration from the tank, Also Ive got another 10 gal aquarium with marbels moss and panda corys but they had only bred once and also eaten the eggs, what would be a eficient setuf and techique for breeding them, Im 100% shure they hide eggs
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Re: Cory panda breeding setup

Post by Joost »

I would say your best shot is to harvest the eggs once laid and move them to a small tank for hatching.
A small plastic container that you float in the tank with your breeders will do fine. With many eggs I usually also put an airstone.
I breed C. Sterbai,C Adolfoi, C. Habrosus, C. Venezuela Black, C. Metae, C. Trilineatus.
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Re: Cory panda breeding setup

Post by taheton »

That is ok for hatching but all my panda aquarium has to be removed to find eggs and most are eaten by the time I find that they had layd eggs so I want a diferent tank setup
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Re: Cory panda breeding setup

Post by Vlacek »

Hi taheton,

I had five adult pandas (2F+3M)in 10G tank. They spawned regularly and were eating eggs as well. What I did in the was that during the day I knew by their behavior that they are going to spawn in the evening (it always happened in the evening). Once they started mating, I moved one not mating female and one or two males to other tank and only left one female + one or two males in order to reduce number of eaten eggs. On top of that, I turned off light and left room in almost complete darkness. THis has helped a lot! Eggs which survive till morning are not eaten anymore. You can either collect them or leave them in tank. Panda don't eat them once thy are several hours old. I had no problem with fry surviving in the tank with adults.
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