Bought Two Albino Cory Catfish

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Bought Two Albino Cory Catfish

Post by Prosperus »

Hello! I am new to this site, and to Catfish in general. I am a beginner or a Novice aquarist. My husband started me into this because he wanted fish first. Lol. I have a 55 gal. tank that has one Oscar, and 3 African Cichlids, with 3 large generic plecos. We have had a few die on us, but our Oscar is now almost full grown, and our one Bumblebee Cichlid is just about full grown as well. We have two new Cichlids, that I cannot remember the names of now that are divided off from the rest until they get bigger. I also have a 1 gal. tank that is for feeder fish, and then my Corys are housed in my 10 gal. tank with a regular (fat) goldfish. What I know about my Corys are they are bottom feeders (which is awesome!), and they have a long life expectancy if they are in the right environment. What I want to know, is the scientific term for my albino corys so I can learn more about them (How big they get, how to possibly identify the sexes, etc.) so that I can make sure that I can give my new Corys the best home possible. Thanks for your time!
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Re: Bought Two Albino Cory Catfish

Post by Acanthicus »


most albino Corydoras are Corydoras aeneus and some Corydoras paleatus, but very little I think.
Females grow larger and get more plump than males. Care and reproduction is pretty easy. Don´t get bigger than around 6cm.

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Re: Bought Two Albino Cory Catfish

Post by ginagv »


I know you didn't exactly ask, but if you are truly wanting to give your cories the best, they need to be in a group of at least 5, and they need to be out of the tank with the goldfish. Not only do the goldfish produce an extraordinary amount of ammonia and foul the water conditions quickly, they are a cold water fish, and your albino cories need a higher temp, 72-77f. Someone else will have to address how they get along with oscars and the like, as I have never kept aggressive cichlids. And goldfish really need at least 20 gallons per fish and a LOT of filtration to be kept healthy... but again that's for another expert.

Sorry, I don't mean to rain on your parade.. but I have a soft spot for the cories and like to see them happy and healthy for everyone.

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Re: Bought Two Albino Cory Catfish

Post by Richard B »

It is most likely C aeneus but as well as some albino paleatus there are also albino sterbai seen quite frequently
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Re: Bought Two Albino Cory Catfish

Post by MatsP »

The albino sterbai tend to be a bit more expensive, and thus more likely to not just be labeled "Albino cory".

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Re: Bought Two Albino Cory Catfish

Post by Richard B »

MatsP wrote:The albino sterbai tend to be a bit more expensive, and thus more likely to not just be labeled "Albino cory".

Yes absolutely - i was merely attempting to indicate there is a further species which has albino varients fairly frequently offered
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Re: Bought Two Albino Cory Catfish

Post by Prosperus »

Gina, No please give me all information you have! The goldfish was originally intended to be a feeder fish who my husband fattened up to fat. Lol. Just mentioned that he has to leave so mine can survive. Might actually make sense on why they lay on the gravel a lot now.
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Re: Bought Two Albino Cory Catfish

Post by joefish72 »

I know this might rub a few people but the temp has nothing to do with the goldfish. I have a 300 gallon outdoor pond (small by pond standards) and it has fluctuating temperatures of 63-92 degrees and has 3 comet goldfish living in it. They started out as the little feeders you win at a fair and now the largest is 8 inches or about 20cm. Also they can survive in soft or hard water with no problems.

With that being said goldfish are the most filthy of any fish I've ever kept and that includes oscars. Since your corys are in a small tank I would agree that the goldfish has to go because it will dirty up the small tank way too fast. I would check around with friends to see if anyone wants it or since it was meant to be a feeder put it on a reptile site or craigs list someone will want it for food.

Only because I don't think this has been said, don't put the corys in with the big fish. The oscars would try to eat them and the barbs will get stuck in the oscars mouth causing both the cory and the oscar to die.

That's just my $.02, and some would argue it's over priced
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Re: Bought Two Albino Cory Catfish

Post by AndiH »

Hi Prosperus, nice to see another cory fan in Minnesota. I can't really advise you on the keeping of corys with aggressive cichlids from personal experience, but I do know that there are no hard and fast rules. Everyone told me I couldn't keep a betta with guppies and I had 50% success which I thought was pretty good :)

If you want to give it a go, I'd put your corys in with the juveniles and see how that goes, making sure there is shelter available for the corys, be it plants, caves or whatever. Keep a close eye on the tank and be ready to separate quickly if needed.

Regarding what species you have, I've never seen albino C sterbai in the LFS here, but I do live past Duluth so that may be why. Do try to get more of the same species if you can and if you cant be 100% sure you can, try trading the albinos in for 5-6 of some you're 100% sure of.
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