Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by andywoolloo »

If I compare him to others like Andy's I get a little worried. Andys've got love handles... They jiggle when they swim... Nah I'm just teasing they're so big though and so healthily well fed. So very beautiful.

in all honestly, my are a pic big.. i try to feed every other day, but wonder if i should go to every third day. they are so gluttonish and i need to curb them.

I am feeding less and every other day tho.

But ask anyone on here, mine are a bit chub as you say. :ymblushing:

let me scroll thru Nui's pics again
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by andywoolloo »

she looks fine to me. It'll be hard to tell age for me. How long is she? mine are 4 yrs old i think and about 5 inches maybe.

But yours was in a too small tank for a long time, well actually how long do you think they were in that tank?

can we get another pic of her? maybe full body length, side view?

Some of those pics he does look a little sprinkled with sand. or sugar. on his whisks and face.
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Jools wrote:If it were me, I'd look at a bunch of Congo tetras and debawii cats for the tank. Any LFS can get them both. Let me go take a video of my West African tank and post it.

Googols Jools,

"I really appreciate you posting this vid, it helped me visualize possibilties. Your tank is Lovely... (I also accessed the link Andy cited below) I'm simply amazed. And excited about our future here.

Thinking of getting two more Eupterus as Naturalart suggests is truly my hearts first desire. However, as I watch Nui in this 48" tank I'm having second thoughts. I observed him for a couple hours late last night with the idea of adding two more his age and/or size. And I can imagine it, but I'm not sure it would be the best situation for all three of them. I had the idea that it might be... I'm likely wrong but,almost like being back in the 10 gallon - considering the waste level they'd produce. This makes me like the idea of smaller fish like the Barbs (these are small right?) who swim in the upper waters even more. I think he'd enjoy other mates like them in the tank for sure. Just to observe them. Right now he spends most of his waking time observing me. When I look up or over at him he slips or ducks back inside his hiding spot.

Oh gadz this is funny... Nui just ventured down to the other end of the tank (rare) to check out the catappa leaf I put in this morning. The first one. It was resting on the floor. About 10 minutes after he returned to his occupied end, it rose and began drifting toward him. Slowly it wended its way all the way down and upon, his, head. His body was beneath the clay bridge deal. He rolled over and swam out, his mouth to the leaf and the two did a ballet for a bit 'round the waters. Not at all his norm. He was happily surprised to have a visitor at his door. What a good thing to see.

He really does need a tank mate he can play with not just observe. He and Li'i do a little chasing now and then but I don't want to encourage it now. I wish that we could do a pop. count of just two: Euptera, could co-exist alone without a third Eupterus mate. I'm sorry (?) but I don't recall the reason for this... I assume it has to do with "not getting along", but in what way, for what or any duration, and to what degree?

An earlier discussion we began in this same direction ended with the idea of getting an Ancistrus which Scott loved. Me too actually... I think Mats made that recommendation. Would an Ancistrus be a good play mate with Nui? Or just a good peaceful mate that would steal our heart away like Nui?

Now... back to Jools' Beautiful "Tank Afrika!" vid, I haven't found much online to read yet on C Tetras, Debawii Cats and African Barbs. I think I read something yesterday on the Congo Tetras that gave me a little worry... it had to do with their ideal water temp's being lower than Nui's. I'd really like to read up on these recommendations above, If you know of a good site or two you could point me to it'd be appreciated. BTW, were/are you also recommending the Barbs?


One last thing in regards to tank mates. (((((Li'i))))). I understand Planet Catfish is a platform to discuss Nui and his wellbeing. Hopefully this isn't too much Li'i... and apologize to those who might feel so.

My heart is attached to her but my mind is telling me I need to pay attention and take care of things properly in order to avoid any problems that are going to arise from her change. I have a strong sense of foreboding and feel she is close to that change... I've stopped allowing her to eat sinking pellets. I give her algae wafer. Still... her nature is not harmonious to our goals. I couldn't not move her the other day... and I think it was the right thing to do. I also think it's right to move her again and I believe it will have to be the 40 gallon with an overlay in the 10 gallon.

I began feeling this way last night and tonight she tried to attach to Nui. But Nui is King and let her know it. There have been a couple times in the past three weeks when Li'i was hiding during the day and wouldn't come out even to eat or rasp. She stayed hidden for two days and almost two days the second time. I think she tried to attach to him and he taught her a little lesson. Let her know he's still bigger. But he won't necessarily stay that way. My only comfort for the moment is that I know he's able to defend himself and avoid being sucked upon.

Observing her attempts tonight, she tried it twice in a row. Watching her tho' I noticed that its almost an automatic response. Nui was playing with the catappa leaf again and she got excited. An innocent thing on her part. In her excitement she wanted to lay on top of Nui while he was playing. His swimming around the leaf and quick turns stimulated her. The thing is, while that little stimuli was innocent, I believe that once she's on top of him and begins rasping his slime another aspect of her nature would kick in. That, to consume.

I've been telling myself and others that she does this in innocence wanting to help clean other fish. Not so I think. I think its mindless consumption and eventual death for the other fish. And since I'm being honest here, I have tosay that I don't want her to be my dominant fish in the 40 gallon. Neither do I want to have an aggressive tank. Not at all... at all!! It also saddens me. What am I going to do?

I've read of others putting them in ponds at this point. I have many friends with Koi ponds but she'd harm them. That's no solution to this problem. What is?

I've inherited a Dream and a Nightmare,
  • Thanks a Googol – a Googolplex even! Jools and All...
Thank you All of you, for your time, patience and ongoing understanding support,

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

GoldenFeather wrote::greetings-waveyellow: Naturalart.... Hi!
  • PS: Please excuse spelling granernr et ogt
  • 8-}
Boy was I tired when this one went out... sorry everyone
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Hi Everyone,

As of this morning Nui is still in love with the catappa leaf. In LOVE... And it seems the leaf has taken to him as well... The currents just happen to keep it at his bridge making it a wonderful little cave in his Euptera-magic world.

I am touched, enlightened and surprised by his unending will to enjoy the life as it happens. I woke at about 3 a.m. to find him swimming the waters of his new home fully. Quick darts and slow glides sharp turns and graceful spirals.. he, has become my favorite poetry.

And then I imagine where I am... on the Planet Catfish Forums and am in awe of this incredible world you all have turning. I think I could go on for days but before I wax too poetic I'll just say I'm constantly impressed and have taken deep to heart, everything I've found so far. Within the thread moreover even the myriad others.

A Googolplex Thank You, GF


BTW: Jools (all), I have been having the thought that the Planet Catfish Forums would make an excellent hard copy book. I think it would find great success on the shelves and also in "E" form. There are likely countless other aquarists with catfish not online who could use this tomb to great benefit. A benefit that would serve them/us for years and years to come – given the expertise within this body of exchange. I'll stop here, I just wanted throw out the idea, to sew a seed perhaps where others are in cultivation? If so... with a hope to strengthen that vine of thought. submitted with humble heart... gf
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

Glad that Nui is happy in his new home.

With regards to making a "book" form of planetcatfish (forum or otherwise), one of the key points about the forum at least is the interaction. When it comes to articles and the cat-eLog, it is worth noting that pretty much the same week as the paper/DVD/whatever version is out on shelves to be bought, the data is absolutely certain to contain some errors that have been fixed in the cat-elog and articles. And it's an enormous amount of work to achieve that in the first place.

One of the great advantages with an online version is that it can be updated pretty immediately. I can almost guarantee that it will be at least two years until there is a book available with (and P. schaeferi and P. titan) in it. Those species were described late last year, and we have them in the Cat-eLog. It is not unusual that we have new species in the Cat-eLog within a week of it being published.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by Jools »

Re the book thing, I think it would be a bit vane of me. My wife would KILL me if I ended up publishing a book before her and what use would a book be with the website always here? I think also it would take time away from what I do here. If the number of offline catfish folks was going up, then possibly, but it's going down, fast.

So, it's really nice to think you'd like one, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Maybe I'll write some memoirs when we finish off our second decade online. :-)

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

:techie-reference: :techie-reference:
Jools wrote:Re the book thing, I think it would be a bit vane of me. My wife would KILL me if I ended up publishing a book before her and what use would a book be with the website always here? I think also it would take time away from what I do here. If the number of offline catfish folks was going up, then possibly, but it's going down, fast.

So, it's really nice to think you'd like one, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Maybe I'll write some memoirs when we finish off our second decade online. :-)

I suspect "memoirs" from you and published would find a high demand and positive success. I understand your's and Mats' response... I was just making a friendly suggestion that had come to mind not yet taking other important aspects of all PCF is into consideration.

Mats' response brought up the amassing archives and the work being done by a number of persons I'm still unsure of, to produce and maintain them. I didn't mean to overlook these I'm only now beginning to use those resources more actually now that Nui is more settled. The truth is I was very simply focused on the dialogue, exchange, "interactive" aspect of the site - thinking it would make a great read and be invaluable to some at times. But I understand your reasons stated and several likely unstated.

Regarding the Planet Catfish articles and Cat-eLog's "ease of edit" compared with the daunting process it takes to edit hard copy published and circulated literature... yeah, nothing can beat that that's well established across the board. That post did stun me a little though to learn that the literature on the shelves in the common various formats are so constantly published with such immediately inaccurate information. I mean you have to ask "Why"??? It couldnt be misinformation. To be honest it is difficult to imagine a good reason for such at thing, Repeatedly published – mistaken/inaccurate data? Except perhaps premature publishing... and a publisher with a bad case of amnesia.

There is one thing I'd find of value that is usually a common part of a book and normally not "website specific" is a Glossary. I spend a good amount of time at dictionaries, wikipedia and the like, learning new words and terminology (expect I'm in a minority). This is true especially now that I'm venturing into the articles, Cat-eLog and other documents containing with more scientific data. There's quite a curve to say the least... and I'm finding it all enjoyable...

Thank you though for receiving the suggestion so kindly...
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Funny... I didn't mean to post those cute little book readers... thought of it, down the page, they're part of the curve too
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

We do have a glossary: ... cle_id=439

It may not be complete, so if you find something that you think should be added to it, please report in the bugs forum.

And yes, there is an enormous difference in editing the Cat-eLog and making edits to a hard-copy - in essence, once you have printed the hard-copy, it's going to be as printed - even if you KNOW it's wrong. You simply can't have an army of people going out to edit the already printed book with TipEx and a type-writer. And just to give you an idea, there have been a few over 5000 data submissions to the Cat-eLog. I don't know when Jools started counting those in the form they are now, but it wasn't when the Cat-eLog was first invented - there was a different mechanism for submitting changes some years back.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by naturalart »

Hi GF, sounds like your parameters are on target. If you don't already, maybe you can keep a little note pad near your tank and just record, on a regular basis, whats going on with the tank, then based on your records you will be able to determine when the best time to change water is. And of course it will help your remember 'what was done when' to the aquarium. Like a combination on-going experiment/journal. I find this habit very satisfying.

I agree with Matsp: about 1-1 1/2 inches of sand should be plenty. Glad your going with sand.

In the old tank: generally sludge is a negative. It usually means high nitrates at the least, and this does damage to the development of the organisim over time. Its unfortunate that the fishes gill covers or opercula were damaged. Though it is 'unsightly' I've known plenty of fish with this condition that live good long lives.

I apologize if I'm giving confusing information. I suggested 2 more like Nui because, if you were going to ad syno's of similar size, then at least Nui would be interacting with others of his own kind. But I definitely wouldn't want you to end up back in the situation you just left, having to do major waterchanges to keep up with the poop. I'll go back to what I said at the top, if you were ready to move up to a 150-200 gallon tank then adding more eup's would be workable. If you're not there then I would follow andy's suggestion that it might be a little to tight in your tank. Nothing wrong with exercising a little patience while planning your herd of eupterus :YMPRAY:

Synodontis eupterus are relatively easy to find in the trade. The big box shops, petsmart and petco get the babies in on a regular basis. Finding fish the size of Nui is only slightly harder to do. When you are ready I suggest going to the fishshop you found and checking there on a regular basis. You can also inquire if they have a 'want list', if so, then put your name down. And let the clerks handling the fish know you are looking for them. Many people return these fish to the shops as they outgrow the tanks they have. And there's always

In the mean time I might suggest a group of Synodontis nigriventris (the 'true' upside down cat) these small catfish are gregarious, active and may calm the eupterus's nerves as the nigriventris have a similar behavior to the eupterus. Nui's interaction would be limited with them but, I would think, active non-the-less. And nigriventris are easy to find in the shops. S. aterrima might be a good choice also. Quarentine, quarentine, quarentine.

I personally think Nui is a male, but we can only know if you can post a close-up, profile pic of the vent or poop hole between the pelvic and anal fin. This is also described on the cat-elog page.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

MatsP wrote:We do have a glossary: ... cle_id=439

It may not be complete, so if you find something that you think should be added to it, please report in the bugs forum.

And yes, there is an enormous difference in editing the Cat-eLog and making edits to a hard-copy - in essence, once you have printed the hard-copy, it's going to be as printed - even if you KNOW it's wrong. You simply can't have an army of people going out to edit the already printed book with TipEx and a type-writer. And just to give you an idea, there have been a few over 5000 data submissions to the Cat-eLog. I don't know when Jools started counting those in the form they are now, but it wasn't when the Cat-eLog was first invented - there was a different mechanism for submitting changes some years back.

Oh great... on the front page too. 8-| I'll just bounce past embarrassed okay? Thank you Mats, I'll put it to good use and gladly not having to jump in and out all the time. I mean the terminology, sometimes in ever sentence is far above my subzero fish I.Q. The site is incredible and I've just arrived. Still... it's pure dead brilliant! Soon there'll be mouse-over definitions!

I'm missing something in regards to other Catfish resources though. You are not saying that these materials (books, audio, dvd's) are published and publicly disseminated with inaccurate/incorrect information/data and the editors/publishers do so knowing this?

"TipEx and a type-writer" ... you paint a great image. Reminded me of Picasso! People would either dread or thrill having him over for dinner. He would slip away sometime during the evening, when no one was paying attention... to be found later at paint over the commission they had bought for their prestigious collection. ;)) He carried his brushes and pigments in his pockets.
  • 5000+/+ – as I said, Pure Dead Brilliant!!!
Googols for your ongoing paitence, GF
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

naturalart wrote:Hi GF, sounds like your parameters are on target. If you don't already, maybe you can keep a little note pad near your tank and just record, on a regular basis, whats going on with the tank, then based on your records you will be able to determine when the best time to change water is. And of course it will help your remember 'what was done when' to the aquarium. Like a combination on-going experiment/journal. I find this habit very satisfying.
Naturalart.... Hi!

Okay, I've now a experiment/journal going at tank side. I can see already the benefit of keeping it regular. Our recent parameters have been:

Last night:
  • pH=7.8; NH3/4=0; N02=0; NO3=20(+/+)
    pH=7.8; NH3/4=0; N02=0; NO3=20(+/+)
  • pH=7.8; NH3/4=0; N02=0; NO3=40(–
Do I have the symbols correct now?

[quote'"naturalart"]I agree with Matsp: about 1-1 1/2 inches of sand should be plenty. Glad your going with sand.

In the old tank: generally sludge is a negative. It usually means high nitrates at the least, and this does damage to the development of the organisim over time. Its unfortunate that the fishes gill covers or opercula ere damaged. Though it is 'unsightly' I've known plenty of fish with this condition that live good long lives.[/quote]

I'm also glad we're getting sand. And we might do the same in the 40G?!? I've looked at enough tanks now to appreciate the way it looks and then there's your last post. In your previous post you spoke to Nui's quality of life increasing were we to get him the appropriate substrate ie: rounded sand or small smooth gravel. That this would provide him with umm... well (paraphrasing hopefully), a new activity, giving him much enjoyment hunting and filtering through the sand for food. This made my mind over. The price didn't hurt either.

I believe the worst of the damage to their "opercula" was done during that five month atrocity. And I sorrowfully take responsibility as well for the delay in getting them into the larger-55 gallon aquarium. Mats kindly extends a benefit of the doubt that I did it as I could given what i have had. Thank you very much for your added assurance it means much and helps. Li'i especially given there are holes, as though the flesh of the opercula just didn't grow there, has worried me. In my mind which is an often strange and unusual place, the logical thought says that when they close this flesh over their gills, that it might seal, provide some pressure within etc. But that's a human thought right? I have to pinch my nose to swim upside down... we're different. I need to learn how to apply that knowing
naturalart wrote:I apologize if I'm giving confusing information. I suggested 2 more like Nui because, if you were going to ad syno's of similar size, then at least Nui be interacting with others of his own kind. But I definitely wouldn't want you to end up back in the situation you just left, having to do major waterchanges to keep up with the poop. I'll go back to what I said at the top, if you were ready to move up to a 150-200 gallon tank then adding more eup's would be workable. If you're not there then I would follow andy's suggestion that it might be a little to tight in your tank. Nothing wrong with exercising a little patience while planning your herd of eupterus :YMPRAY:

Synodontis eupterus are relatively easy to find in the trade. The big box shops, petsmart and petco get the babies in on a regular basis. Finding fish the size of Nui is only slightly harder to do. When you are ready I suggest going to the fishshop you found and checking there on a regular basis. You can also inquire if they have a 'want list', if so, then put your name down. And let the clerks handling the fish know you are looking for them. Many people return these fish to the shops as they outgrow the tanks they have. And there's always

In the mean time I might suggest a group of Synodontis nigriventris (the 'true' upside down cat) these small catfish are gregarious, active and may calm the eupterus's nerves as the nigriventris have a similar behavior to the eupterus. Nui's interaction would be limited with them but, I would think, active non-the-less. And nigriventris are easy to find in the shops. S. aterrima might be a good choice also. Quarentine, quarentine, quarentine.
I like the idea... 4" lovely littles. Would they be willing to interact with Nui? Would they play with him? He's like a puppy, well now he's more like a dolphin. Each evening he comes out and plays with the leaves, gets them going and swimming them around. He's genius, he really is. And he enjoys swimming with others. Li'i now and then only... but now that he has these leaves, he's more freely active and loves it. So GOOD to see.... Can't wait to be able to get some bogwood for him to swim in and out of. He's turned the tank into an obstacle course.

Will the Nigriventris play? Because if they wouldn't really want to, if they're very shy about interaction with other species, especially larger than them, he might scrare them. I don't want that yeah?
naturalart wrote:I personally think Nui is a male, but we can only know if you can post a close-up, profile pic of the vent or poop hole between the pelvic and anal fin. This is also described on the cat-elog page.


I have a new question... now that the bio-filter has kicked in... is there a time limit I need to wait out to take a look and if necessary clean the filter media? Should I do one or both filters at once?

Googols... Thank you so very very much,
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Please note I didn't get the code in properly so a quote from Naturalart isn't highlighted but blended between my response. sorry bout that. gf
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by naturalart »

Yes, looks like you got it right. NH3-ammonia, NO3-nitrite, NO4-nitrate. I would probably do a 50% water change in a couple days, as your nitrates are getting up there. And at the same time I would clean both filter sponges in some of the old water or dechlorinated tap water.

Weather S. nigriventris will play with Nui no one can truly say. It really depends on the fish involved. Its just something you just have to try. Kinda like people YMMV. But I think there is a good chance they will interact. Nui will definitley dominate but as long as the S. nigirventris have hiding places/escape routes to retreate to they will be fine.

Considering you are probably moving toward a aquarium dedicated to catfish, I would try to keep the light coming into your aquarim muted and 'down toned'. A few hours of direct sunlight during the day along with the light on your tank, won't hurt in growing algea for your fishes but otherwise I would keep the tank on the shade/shadow side. The ancistrus spoken of earlier would be more of a working member of the tank. They are not generally playful with synodontis. Usually they try to keep out of each others way.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

Being pedantic: NH3 is ammonia, NH4 is ammonium (less harmful, but hard to distinguish in tests), NO2 is nitrite, NO3 is nitrate.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

MatsP wrote:Being pedantic: NH3 is ammonia, NH4 is ammonium (less harmful, but hard to distinguish in tests), NO2 is nitrite, NO3 is nitrate.

Hi Mats....! :greetings-wavingyellow: You say the NH4 is "hard to distinguish"... how? How could I figure out which of them is which? And while I have you talking this subject – why does ammonia become more dangerous when pH moves above 7.0? Is it both NH3 & NH4 that are with a pH 7.0+ level? That's given that the article I'd read was correct. Which means my first question is really - is or are they really more dangerous with the higher pH level? And, if they are – then how dangerous? What does that mean?

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by thijs »

Hi Goldenfeather,
IIRC ammonia and ammonium are in a constant balance, ammonium turns into ammonia when the pH reaches above 7. And thus becomes poisonous. And most chemical tests measure both ammonia and ammonium because they are so similar and because of the balance. If you know the total value and your pH, you can calculate both values (must be somewhere on the internet). But this is all aquatic ecology courses i got a long time ago...
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

Yes, indeed. Ammonium and ammonia are "the same thing", just depends on the pH which one you've got (actually, if there is ammonia in water, there will be SOME ammonium - it's just a question of HOW much is ammonia, and how much is ammonium - and THAT depends on the pH. In highly acidic water, e.g. pH 3, there will be extremely little ammonium. And pH 7 (neutral), there will be some ammonium and some ammonia. At highly alkaline pH, e.g pH 11 [which is the same distance as pH 3 from the neutral pH 7], there will be a lot of ammonium, and very little ammonia...

And my point was that (the) tests (we have access to) are not able to tell the difference - nor is it easy to come up with such a test. Of course, we could just measure the pH along with the ammonia and have a good guess...

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by naturalart »

Thanks for the catch Matsp. NO2-nitrite, NO3-nitrate. Obviously chemistry isn't my strong suit but I've also heard, as thijs described, that ammonium is non-toxic? and that there is more ammonia as the ph rises. Matsp are you sure its the other way around?
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

From: ... sions.html
Nontoxic ammonia ions (NH4+) disintegrate into toxic ammonia molecules (NH3) as
the carbonate hardness/pH rises. An aquarist/chemist friend of mine illustrated

Yes, I've got it the wrong way around: Ammonium is non-toxic, ammonia IS toxic.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by naturalart »

phew! thanks Mats, I was scratching my head there for a second (as I often find myself doing).
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Hi Everyone – Happy Wed/Thu/Fri world!
I think that covers it...

Just to let everyone know, I didn’t get the substrate/sand at the DIYstore today for Nui’s 55 gallon. Checked all stores but one (closed) and zero. “Lowes”, the one I'd called had some sand in 50lb bags - Silicate (?sp) and Coral. I thought Andy said he had coral but with my new pH levels can't use it. Silicate sounds chemical and couldn't get online anywhere to ask our PC Gurus...:)] we need a hotline :-J .

Spoke to the manager, he said it's the only types they carry. He also said encouragingly, "this stuffs only a little rougher than what you're looking for you know. It's not too rough". Leaving, I wondered at the idea of asking them/him to special-order some for us.

Parameters tonight when we returned were"
  • pH=7.4; NH3/4=.05; N02=0; NO3=30 (maybe)
I did a small water change before we left. Just to make sure things would be alright. Was thinking about doing a 35%-50% today because of the NO3's. Or is it too early, waiting for worse reading there.

See you in another post... & Googols Always,
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

Silicate = SiO2 or "Silica sand" - this is indeed what you want (it's also what glass is made from, so if it was a problem for the fish, you couldn't keep them in glass tanks).

Sounds like your water parameters are good!

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Hi Everyone,

I've been trying draft responses to all the posts and catch up but can't. I keep confusing myself between them and there's a lot of overlap so I'm just posting a new update and response as I can recall things said/written.

First Jools, What a wonderful Vid! Thank you so very much for sharing it. It helped me visualize so much better. Great use of the tools! Strokes, yeah?

I tried to find some info on the two recommendations you'd listed and unfortunately haven't had much luck finding much info on the Congo Tetras, but they are gorgeous. Their temperature runs just a tad cooler but that's it. And I'd need to do some landscape work first to prepare for them. I also really appreciate that you've recommended something thats mid-range too. Now the question is though would they get along okay with not only Nui but some perhaps contracta and/or nigrivenius? And what about an Ancistrus?

Li'i will be out of the equation by that point, hopefully happy and in the 40 gallon. But regarding the debauwi, they're] sweethearts but 5" and needing to be in a pack of 6 minimum can't work here at this time. That is if I have ready the

My last question on this topic with Jools is, "were you also recommending the Barbs"? I ask because they were also very much a part of the vid and included in the audio.

*Hey, I also went through the link to the page with your other vid of your tank room... I'm humbled and not informed enough to respond to it well and as it deserves. As I'd like to. What inspiration, thank you..

Googols all yous,


Dear Andy,

Thank you for sharing your valuable time with me in your response. And for doing some comparisons as well. I've been trying to get a good current full-body photo of Nui, as you've requested with with no luck thus far . First the water is now amber/brown due to the catappa leaves (3 only) and the other is that now that the leaves have decided they like him Love him too he doesn't come out to interact as much with me. I'll keep trying tho. It's funny you know these leaves, he spends most of his time with his belly to one or part of one.of them.. Like 24/7. And he has been coming out regular swimming them around the waters... so incredible. so Dolphin!

Thanks a googol,


If I've missed a post, question, anything, please let me know, help me get up to date here? Thank you. Also, I want to let you all know that I place a high value on your time. I truly do and I spend it with conscience.
I Do...truest ever. well. i try...

Googolplexplexagoogol to everyone always and ever till never.
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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

Hi All...

Hope all is well in the world, suffering being eased ... please

I was just looking through the Euptera keepers list on the Cat-eLog page and came across a couple/few that are keeping multiples. I've copied the tank info as I can't understand it to get an interpretation. I'm just looking at the different keepers of them that have more than one and in what sort of tank set ups they're using. Both to prove to myself that I can't and to figure out how I will in the future.

This is the first one I looked at's description:

Dimensions: 7.2 x 2.4 x 2.4 cm (3 x 1 x 1")
Volume: 0 litres, 0 UK gallons or 0 US gallons
1. Hikari Shrimp Pellets daily

I have a conversion widget and by my calculations she or he has six in a tank just under 3' long? Is this the case? I measured my tank it is definitely:
  • • 48" lengtha - across x 13"width - side x 18" height-depth
    • 121.92cm x 33.02cm x 45.72cm
What is her size tank? Would it be 3' x 1' x 1'? And if so what are the gallons oofn it? I really like long,,,,,,,,,, long short tanks

Something else, I've been suspecting that I do not even have a 50 gallon tank but perhaps much less. That the guy I bought it from in my very gross nievety had failed to be completely honest with me, may have also told me something untrue here as well. Can someone tell me what the formula is to figure this out?
Oh, one more thing I copied the diet too. Can they live on this sort of diet in health? I understand it may have changed since...too. There's that.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

OHhhhhhh, oh oh oh stuttering speechless...I'm dying of cuteness. Truest.
I'm in heaven looking at these little loves... ... ge_id=9505
Cat-eLog: Auchenipteridae Centromochlus Centromochlus reticulatus

:YMPRAY: pleeeeeeze...

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by GoldenFeather »

MatsP wrote:Silicate = SiO2 or "Silica sand" - this is indeed what you want (it's also what glass is made from, so if it was a problem for the fish, you couldn't keep them in glass tanks).

Sounds like your water parameters are good!

REally? :text-woo:

I can't help it words sound like stuff. BTW, are you a scientist Mats? I've wondered before. You and the other PCG's (gurus) are so impressive in this regard. Like a bunch of doctors, professors and scientists sometimes. The great thing is that you're all really great at explaining such things in ways others, like myself, may not always understand. Googols.

I really Really liked your post discussing the need or lessened need of anatomical parts from human to catfish to whales. I very much wanted to hear more and get into that conversation. I actually think things have changed much by now and that not as much offense is taken in regards religion and ... mmm well, politics may be another story still. (((smiles)))

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by MatsP »

To start from the back:
Centromochlus reticulatus is not a common fish by any means - and it's tiny. But very pretty.

And yes, clearly someone has entered the wrong units into the Cat-eLog - since I don't even know which member it is, I can't really say what the tank size should be. Sounds quite plausible that it is somewhere around 3ft x 1ft x 1ft - or perhaps 3m x 1m x 1m? Obviously, the

To calculate the volume of a cuboid [a shape with 6 rectangular sides and right angles at the corners], you just multiply the sides together. So 48 x 18 x 13 = 11232. This is cubic inches. There are 231 cubic inches to a US gallon, so 11232/231 = 48 gallon. However, according to this site:
It says the height of a 55g tank is 21". So it would seem your tank is about 3 inches lower, which is a "45 long" tank.

Diet: As much variation as possible is a good thing. These fish eat just about anything, so it's a bit of vegetable food (see if he'll take fresh courgette or something similar), shrimp pellets, sinking catfish pellets, flake food, algae wafers, fresh/frozen "seafood" (prawns/shrimp, mussels, crawfish tails, etc), live foods (blood worms, blackworms, and so on). Don't necessarily have to give ALL of those, just a bit of variation now and again. But just like you and me, we COULD live on a diet consisting of boiled chicken, a few bits of cabbage and potato every day - however, if you get a few different things from time to time, it makes life a bit more fun, doesn't it? And no, it's not a great idea to eat ice-cream and hamburgers, or bignets and gumbo every day either - so it's not taste/quality/type of food, but variety that makes it work well. The variation also gives a wider range of essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

Professionally, I'm a software engineer, which means I work with computers every day. I have a "detail oriented mind", which means that I can be almost obsessively pedantic at times [Like when I point out to Jools the bugs relating to "a comma is missing in <something>]. I have always been interested in physics, math, and chemistry, so I understand a bit of that too. And I'm mad about motorcycle racing - the season starts this weekend in Australia - expect me to post at Crazy time on Sunday morning... ;)

And I just don't want to end up in a discussion where "no one can win" about creation vs. evolution.

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Re: Newly Adopted & Ill Eupterus

Post by Jools »

GoldenFeather wrote:First Jools, What a wonderful Vid! Thank you so very much for sharing it. It helped me visualize so much better. Great use of the tools! Strokes, yeah?

I tried to find some info on the two recommendations you'd listed and unfortunately haven't had much luck finding much info on the Congo Tetras, but they are gorgeous. Their temperature runs just a tad cooler but that's it. And I'd need to do some landscape work first to prepare for them. I also really appreciate that you've recommended something thats mid-range too. Now the question is though would they get along okay with not only Nui but some perhaps contracta and/or nigrivenius? And what about an Ancistrus?

Li'i will be out of the equation by that point, hopefully happy and in the 40 gallon. But regarding the debauwi, they're] sweethearts but 5" and needing to be in a pack of 6 minimum can't work here at this time. That is if I have ready the

My last question on this topic with Jools is, "were you also recommending the Barbs"? I ask because they were also very much a part of the vid and included in the audio.

*Hey, I also went through the link to the page with your other vid of your tank room... I'm humbled and not informed enough to respond to it well and as it deserves. As I'd like to. What inspiration, thank you..
So, I'm not a great fan of mixing species except where they share biotope in the wild. I think would be a good addition to your tank; but I'd be inclined away from too many bottom dwelling cats. If going "any fish" I'd maybe look at , hardy, characterful not sure re availability in Hawaii. I strongly recommend the barbs shown, but they are unlikely to be available to you I think.

debauwi cats don't get to 5".

Don't be humbled re the fishroom, many users of the forum have not spent as much time and effort as you have in researching and providing for your fishes. I think it is they that have something to think about. I've only got a fishroom because I worked at it, it's far from perfect.

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