Linking "variant common name" to pictures...

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Linking "variant common name" to pictures...

Post by MatsP »

When you have a post like this one: ... 13#p214667

which uses CLOG tags for common names, it wiould be great if the image of the common name was shown when you hover over the common name...

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Re: Linking "variant common name" to pictures...

Post by MatsP »

To clarify, long fins, albino and such variations should have their own picture variant.

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Re: Linking "variant common name" to pictures...

Post by Jools »



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Re: Linking "variant common name" to pictures...

Post by MatsP »

What's that supposed to mean?

One way to solve this would be to add an "image index" to the common name table [this would also allow us to have different picture from ]. Prepopulate with 1, so it works just like before... (Or if it's zero, then replace with 1).

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