Thanks lads, "she" was quoted as being 8cm TL, and I am dearly hoping it is a female, I picked up 3 x 9-10cm TL males off a closing down keeper, and they all have settled in and caved up, so fingers crossed it works out good tomorrow morning and with a bit of conditioning I can add another L to my spawning list. I will add some extra pics when I get back.
Motorcycles are not an expensive hobby, try keeping L-cats in Australia
Tail is nice and straight, I got some pics, but they are not the best. I did not want to stress the fish too much, so it is in a Q tank for a bit settling down. Already feeding on wafer and a bit of flake, so looking good. The nose was quite pointed I did note.
Motorcycles are not an expensive hobby, try keeping L-cats in Australia