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Post by sheldon »

Okay, i confess, i was here before, but i never said "hullo", & those eagle eyed monitor people "removed" me just as they suggested they might! So here i am again & this time i,m paying more attention. Trying to be more involved. I,ve just this week bought a pair of C.Similis (tiny, they only had 2 left) but boy are they lively!
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Re: Hullo.

Post by MatsP »

Welcome back, Sheldon.

I used to have a group of C. similis. Nice fish - mine were quite shy tho'.

And yes, when it's a simple case of counting things, computers are pretty hard to fool... ;) [The "remove users with no posts" is run manually once in a while, but it is automatic in the sense that it removes all "no post" users.]

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L number Banana
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Re: Hullo.

Post by L number Banana »

Welcome (back) to Planet Catfish! :d
Racing, shoes and fish. Nothing else matters. Oh, and bacon.
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Re: Hullo.

Post by andywoolloo »

Hello, welcome! :YMHUG:
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Re: Hullo.

Post by corybrummie2010 »

Hello and welcome back to PlanetCatfish :-BD
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Richard B
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Interests: Tanganyika Catfish, African catfish, Non-loricariid sucker-catfish.
Running, drinking, eating, sci-fi, stapelids

Re: Hullo.

Post by Richard B »

Hello there and welcome to Planet Catfish (better in than out i always say)

Your surname isn't Cooper by any chance? That would be soooo cool (but only if you love the Big Bang Theory!)
Lou: Every young man's fantasy is to have a three-way.
Jacob: Yeah not with another fu**!ng guy!
Lou: It's still a three-way!

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Re: Hullo.

Post by AndiH »

Welcome back :) :-H
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