Can anyone help me? Synodontis ID

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Can anyone help me? Synodontis ID

Post by theviper06 »


Yesterday I bought a Synodontis at a pet shop, and all they could tell me was it was a synodontis which I could see for myself. It was a trade-in from someone. It wasn't expensive and very attractive pattern so I went ahead and bought it.

I have not been able to find a suitable ID for it yet and I am hoping someone on here can help me out?

Here are a couple of pics I took of it.

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Re: Can anyone help me? Synodontis ID

Post by Silurus »

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Re: Can anyone help me? Synodontis ID

Post by Richard B »

Indeed yes
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Re: Can anyone help me? Synodontis ID

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Def. a hybrid. A guess would be what they call a "jaguar syno" = multipunctata x decorus or something like that, maybe euptera x decorus... Useless to guess, the experts would say (I am not one of them; the previous two gents are real experts).
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Re: Can anyone help me? Synodontis ID

Post by theviper06 »

Thanks alot guys! I was starting to think hybrid myself since I couldn't find any good matches for an ID. But I'm not distressed, its still a very nice looking fish and I only paid $4 for him.
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Re: Can anyone help me? Synodontis ID

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Neither you nor fish would be frowned upon/condemned by this community but the whole industry producing hybrids is thought of quite negatively here, for several reasons, albeit the topic is not without its controversies, gray areas, and important details. But overall, the feeling is as stated. The fact that this was a trade-in also works in your favor, so to speak.

If you are interested to learn more, try the search function. (Maybe you know all of this better than I do too.)

He is still a good-looking fish and I myself have 3-4 of, perhaps, his exact kind plus another ~5 hybrid synos. I love them no less than my purebreds. ... uys+55+gal
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