Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
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Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post by DJ-don »

Hey Guys

I have a 3 ft tank in our living room and wondering if there are any fish that you would reccomend that wouldnt mind the current. I know there is a whole range that i could choose but would you guys reccomend as great fish?

The tank's filtration is a Resun BF200 and I am also thinking of adding a canister filter that does around 600-700Lph
I was thinking of a Fluval 205 because its more readily available in canberra but i was also thinking of branching out on some products. How about the Eheim ecco pro 300?
The main reason for more filtration is because i have 6 young L201's in there with a bn and I would think that the resun filter might not handle it by itself.

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Re: Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post by Richard B »

are you looking for cats or others - barillius like a bit of current but whatever we recommend might not be available to you?
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Re: Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post by DJ-don »

Well more of the lines of tetras that sort
catfish in general not so easily found in aus
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Re: Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post by MatsP »

Most tetras should be fine, as well as for example smaller rainbowfish (M. praecox and the forktail species for example [Celebes rainbow, etc.])

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Re: Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post by wrasse »

Emperor tetras would enjoy that current. N palmeri or N Lacortei males are stunning fish but can be territorial so it works better if you have at least 6 fish, but go for 10 or more.
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Re: Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post by DJ-don »

Thanks for the response guys

I was thinking of maybe colombian tetras? or glow light tetras because they appeal to me most and seem ahardy enough to deal with the current.
I cant remember how many they had at the LFS but I'm thinking about 6-10?

and they will be living with 6 L201's which im guessing would be fine?
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Re: Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post by Jools »

Oddly, Harlequin Rasboras do well in current. They're cheap, colourful and I have them as dither fish in several tanks. In that 3ft you could easily put a dozen.

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Re: Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post by racoll »

In sure many people will disagree with me here, but I always tend to find tetras quite disappointing.

I usually buy them as dithers, but find they sulk in the shadows and rarely shoal. Every time I regret buying them!

Case in point: I have a 12" nano cube tank in my office, and bought a bunch of ember tetras (Hyphessobrycon amandae) to add some colour. I literally never saw them, in a 12" cube! If I wanted something that was going to hide, I would have bought a catfish! Got rid of these quick and got some Rasbora maculata - fantastic fish, always on the move, displaying to each other, really colourful.

Sure, there must be exceptions (the larger African Phenacogrammus and Arnoldichthys I kept were quite lively), but I would nowadays sooner choose a cyprinid (e.g. Rasbora or Puntius) over a tetra - much more gregarious and active fishes!
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Re: Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post by Bas Pels »

The key to keep tetras schooling is keeping them with larger fish - which should, obviously, not predate on them. Large groupes will help too

The larger fish is seen as a threat and therefore they keep schooling. Without reason to school, the fishes will become adventurous, resulting in less, far less, schooling behaviour

I kept ~40 redhead tetras (3 perhaps 4 cm) together with Geophagus @ around 10, 15 cm and satanoperca @ close to 20 cm. Believe me, they were schooling.

And this is an active species - long and slender, not unlike Brachydanio in bodyshape
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Re: Tank Mate Reccomendations

Post by DJ-don »

Thanks for the reccomendations guys!

Well it looks like i've been convinced to go for the Rasboras but strangely enough we dont get lots of them in australia. I swear their a lot more common than they are atm
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