my cats: Show count of families, genus, species.

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my cats: Show count of families, genus, species.

Post by MatsP »

Would it be difficult to add the following data to the "my cats" page for each person:
Distinct families (all & current)
Distinct genus (all & current)
Distinct species (all & current)

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Re: Improvement to "my cats",

Post by Jools »

How about subgenera? ;-)

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Re: Improvement to "my cats",

Post by Jools »

How about (f:3, g:3) on the righthand side of posts?

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Re: Improvement to "my cats",

Post by MatsP »

Yeah subgenera too! ;)

But ignoring subgenera for now, (f:3, g:4, sp:8) would be nice. [sp because if you add subgenera, s would possibly be confusing, sg/sp are unique].

For the last numberl, species, what I want to distinguish is really the difference between populations and species.

Also when viewing my (or someone elses) "My Cats", I'd like a summary at the to saying:
Families: 3 (including no longer kept: 6)
Genera: 4 (including no longer kept: 7)
Species: 8 (including no longer kept: 18)

Clearly this could be expressed differently, e.g. a table with heading of "current" and "no longer kept" and "total", for example.

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