Cories with Large Plecos?

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Cories with Large Plecos?

Post by CatherineMPLS »

I just adopted a 55 gallon tank that has 4 plecos that are each about 12-14 inches (approx 30-35 cm). I'm hoping that my friend with a 125 gallon tank will take 1 or 2 of them as they appear to be pretty cramped currently :-\

My question is... would it be alright to add some cories (probably trilineatus) to this 55 gallon tank?

If they are compatible, I would of course wait until after a pleco or two is rehomed. I already have 3 cories in another tank of mine (with a betta) - love them and want more! :d

Another note: The 55 gallon tank also has 3 angelfish, 1 glasscat (plan to pick up a couple more this weekend), 1 bala shark, 1 indian glassfish, 1 guppy, and 3 other unidentified fish (each is different and range from 2 to 3 inches -> or 5 to 7.5 cm).
I realize many of these fish should be kept with 1 or 2 more of its species, but keep in mind, I didn't set this tank up... I just saved them all from being flushed/killed because a friend of a friend recently moved and didn't want to take them with.

Anyways, thanks in advance for your reply!
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Re: Cories with Large Plecos?

Post by MatsP »

So, to answer your direct question, I don't see a problem with keeping corys with large plecos.

However, a single 10+ inch pleco is over the size limit for a 55g tank - even a 125g tank is a bit on the small size for a 12" fish. This was probably not what you wanted to hear...

I would suggest that you rehome ALL of them (or get a tank significantly larger - 120 or 200g at least). I'd also rehome the Bala Shark, as they also reach about a foot in size - and they are active swimmers that like to be with more of their own kind. I would also suggest you do this before you add more fish in your tank, as it's quite overstocked right now, and I suspect your new fish will not be happy - if you doubt this, measure the nitrate (NO3) levels of your tank - I would expect it's more than 100ppm - recommended levels are up to about 50 ppm.

Once you have rehomed your fish, you'll have quite a lot less bioload, so new fish will be much happier.

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Re: Cories with Large Plecos?

Post by CatherineMPLS »

I pretty much figured that... but thought maybe I could keep 1 or 2 :-S

My LFS said they would take them if I couldn't find a home for them. Maybe they'll give me a store credit... they sell large plecos for about $2 USD per inch. :d

I spent pretty much all night tearing it down, moving it and then setting it back up again... 5 hours total... so I haven't tested the parameters yet. I only brought 30 gallons of the old water with, the rest is new water from my house, but you're probably right about the nitrate.

I don't personally know the people that owned this tank, but the temp was at 67F when I went to pick it up(there was no heater!), the filters were ABSOLUTLEY disgusting (probably hadn't been rinsed out for several months...if not longer) and as you pointed out, the tank is way overstocked.

But, as of this morning, they all seemed to be doing well! I added a heater last night and brought the water temp up to 72F and plan to bring it up slowly up to 75-76F over the next several days.

Well, thanks for words of wisdom, Mats. I guess I'll be moving more fish, but on the plus side, be making room for other fish! :-BD
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Re: Cories with Large Plecos?

Post by robb harriston »

addressing your question in regards to large plecos and cory cats. i have personally kept them together for decades and without a problem between the two that i have ever noticed.if ever there are two catfish species that truly compliment each other, it would be plecos and corys.i truly can't say whether the lori's pay attention to the cory's at all. just make sure the corys get enough food without being bullied.that may take some trial and error as both are active night and day. try putting food on opposite ends of your for me.i love them both.just my opinion. good luck.and oh,remember to keep your corys in a school of at least 10.
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Re: Cories with Large Plecos?

Post by Troender »

I keep cories together with plecos too. But if you want to breed the cories, you have to pick the eggs out of the tank, as the plecos love eating eggs.
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Re: Cories with Large Plecos?

Post by CatherineMPLS »

Well, I got rid of the plecos and bala shark this weekend. Sad, but it had to be done.

I did get a store credit for the plecos & bala, so I got 4 more glass cats (making them a school of 5) and 6 loxozonus cories...they really do zip around in a 55 gallon!! Oh, and also a powder blue gourami :d

Didn't read your post about keeping 10 until just now. I figured 6 was plenty. Maybe I'll have to go get a few more :d
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Re: Cories with Large Plecos?

Post by MatsP »

Loxozonus is a nice fish. Don't like the tank too warm, however, 75'F is about the highest they will be happy with.

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