Ancistrus Dolichopterus L183 tank mate.

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Ancistrus Dolichopterus L183 tank mate.

Post by Syno Rey »

I just want to know it it would be ok to keep Ancistrus Dolichopterus L183 with Dekeyseria Brachyur? My local fish store has one Dekeyseria Brachyura and looks like it need a nice home. Also it looks like they need the same or close the same water parameters.

Can they be kept together with no problem?
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Re: Ancistrus Dolichopterus L183 tank mate.

Post by RickE »

You will find the catelog very helpful for this kind of thing. They should be fine together as the water parameters for both are very similar and neither have any particularly special other demands.
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Re: Ancistrus Dolichopterus L183 tank mate.

Post by Barbie »

In a tank of suitable size and water quality, with adequate hiding places for everyone, they should be fine together.

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Re: Ancistrus Dolichopterus L183 tank mate.

Post by bsmith »

Just from my experience I had had a 183 (now in his own tank with a few other mates for breeding purposes) and he harassed a rhino pleco that was at least 5x's bigger until he stopped eating and eventually dies. I cannot say that it was entirely the 183's fault because the Rhino was 4-5 years old but up until then he was ver active and a happy fish. Rhinos seem to be much more placid then the starlight's but the starlight's make up for lack of size in their intensity to protect their own areas.
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