I have a 5 inch synodontis eupterus in with my african cichlids and 2 smaller synodontis multipundtatus in my 55 gallon tank that is soon going to be a all synodontis petricola tank. I have read in other web sites that the eupterus are peaceful and in other web sites that they can be territorial towards other bottom feeders. But the one I got is very aggressive toward my cichlids but not the other catfishes. It chases them all around the tank and bites at them. It chases the big ones and the small ones size don't matter. It probably don't mess with the multis because they hide all day long.
I recently changes the furniture in the tank and took a lot of its hiding spots away. I notice since them he been more aggressive.
Is this normal ? It is getting to be a problem with the cichlids and probably he is going to be like that with the new petricolas. What can I do?
Aggressive Syno Eupterus
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- Location 2: Trenton NJ, USA
- Interests: I recently got into aquariums. Mainly cichlids and catfishes ! Love synodontis catfishes and Plecos.
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Re: Aggressive Syno Eupterus
I thought it was mostly cichlids that beat the hell out of euptera?
Maybe they have been picking at him and he is upset? Also less caves for him as you stated would upset him, also changing the tank would upset him, least it does to mine so I never do. I almost have to have a blue print to put things back exactly when I clean or it's on WWIII with my eupterus's.
Maybe they have been picking at him and he is upset? Also less caves for him as you stated would upset him, also changing the tank would upset him, least it does to mine so I never do. I almost have to have a blue print to put things back exactly when I clean or it's on WWIII with my eupterus's.

- syno-kev
- Posts: 143
- Joined: 04 Mar 2008, 13:55
- My cats species list: 28 (i:0, k:0)
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- Location 1: stockport ,cheshire,england
- Location 2: cheshire England
- Interests: collector of synodontis catfish in 2 large community tanks 100 and 140 gallon in size
Re: Aggressive Syno Eupterus
syno eupterus should really be in a river tank not in with malawis etc in hard water,
although they are very tolerent of most waters i too have found they can sometimes be a bit of a bully/chaser when i have had them with other synos and is now one of the synos i do not keep .
although they are very tolerent of most waters i too have found they can sometimes be a bit of a bully/chaser when i have had them with other synos and is now one of the synos i do not keep .