Sexing my Corys 1 of 2

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Sexing my Corys 1 of 2

Post by katgermain »

Hello Experts (or at least people who know more than me!),

First of all, I did read the Coryman's post "Sexing Corydoras". The challenge I have is that almost all of mine are different species and different ages/ sizes, so I'm having trouble with the whole comparison thing. I've been staring at them, taking pics, etc. to no avail. One's ventral fins are roundER than the others, but seems to be plumper at the front than the back, etc.

Corydoras aeneus: I'm pretty sure is male because of what I've read might be courting behaviour - rubbing himself all over... my female Hoplo (!) In his defence, he shared a tank with solely for an extended period of time, which was likely an unpleasant experience for both, so perhaps they bonded? Though from Coryman's "Sexing Corydoras" post, that Cory seems to fit the best.

The Corydoras concolor and Corydoras schwartzi I'm not sure. Hopefully the pictures are clear enough. I can't get good enough pics of my Corydoras panda's right now. They're too wiggly!

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Corydoras concolor
Corydoras concolor
Corydoras aeneus
Corydoras aeneus
Corydoras aeneus
Corydoras aeneus
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Re: Sexing my Corys 2 of 2

Post by katgermain »

Here are the others....
Corydoras schwartzi
Corydoras schwartzi
Corydoras schwartzi
Corydoras schwartzi
Corydoras concolor
Corydoras concolor
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Re: Sexing my Corys 1 of 2

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Picks taken from above, is much easier to use, when sexing cory..
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Re: Sexing my Corys 1 of 2

Post by katgermain »

Lol, was afraid someone was going to say that. :)

...ok off to take another zillion pictures to see if i can get some clear ones!

thanks :)
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Re: Sexing my Corys 1 of 2

Post by Birger Amundsen »

:D Always the best way to sex cory... well most of the time ;-)
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Re: Sexing my Corys 1 of 2

Post by katgermain »

Ok. Here's my next attempt.

Sad news, however - It looks like my fish's aspirations of super model-dom will never be realized, due to NEVER STAYING STILL!!

...and likewise, dashed are my dreams of being a fish photographer! I'm hoping your experts will still have enough info from the pics to give me a clue.

Here are my guesses based on the "sexing Corydoras" post:

Corydoras aneus: Male
Corydoras concolor: Male
Corydoras schwartzi: ...female?
Corydoras panda 1: Male
Corydoras panda 2: Female
Corydoras schwartzi
Corydoras schwartzi
Corydoras concolor
Corydoras concolor
Corydoras aneus
Corydoras aneus
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Re: Sexing my Corys 1 of 2

Post by katgermain »

...And the last two

Corydoras panda 1: Male?
Corydoras panda 2: Female?

Thanks for patience!

:) Kat
Corydoras panda 1
Corydoras panda 1
Corydoras panda 2
Corydoras panda 2
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Re: Sexing my Corys 1 of 2

Post by unotim123 »

Except one of panda, all of them seems male.A panda seems female but early to say certain.
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Re: Sexing my Corys 1 of 2

Post by calicocat »

I would say that the concolour is a female, the bronze is a male, I think the schwartzi is a male but I could be wrong, Panda 1 is a male and Panda 2 is a female. As for the bronze rubbing himself all over the hoplo, I would suggest that you get a few more bronzes for him. I have heard that all cories, especially bronzes, will try to breed with any other cory if they are are not kept with their own species, but have never heard of them trying to breed with a hoplo.
Hope this helps, Calicocat
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Re: Sexing my Corys 1 of 2

Post by katgermain »

calicocat wrote:As for the bronze rubbing himself all over the hoplo, I would suggest that you get a few more bronzes for him. I have heard that all cories, especially bronzes, will try to breed with any other cory if they are are not kept with their own species, but have never heard of them trying to breed with a hoplo.
Hope this helps, Calicocat
Before I got the Hoplo and the Bronze Cory, they were living in pretty bad conditions and were the only two in the tank. I think that had been the case for quite a while. I'm guessing that with no other options, the Cory bonded with the Hoplo. It's why I started getting more Corys but he still just really digs on the Hoplo! :)
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