Bought these with the C. Julii from my LFS

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Bought these with the C. Julii from my LFS

Post by ginagv »

Hi fellow Cory lovers,

My name is Gina and I currently live in Arizona, USA. I bought a group of 5 cories when I started my 20 gallon tank. 3 of the 5 are definately c. julii.. but can anyone guess what these 2 are? The 5 cories do shoal together, but these 2 are always with each others, and when they swim or hover one always seems to be touching the other with its mouth.. Its really sweet to watch really. Perhaps they are male and female, since the one on the left is larger than they other one but.I do not know for sure. The picture is not as nice as I had hoped it would turn out.. the horizontal black lines are actually a bit more pronounced, and the round blotch on the left one is actually a bit of algae on the glass.. I think I have to have a word or two with my otocinclus union, they are slacking.. ( love my otos too! I call them post-it fish).

Anyway, any assistance you could give would be wonderful!

Thank you in advance,\

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Re: Bought these with the C. Julii from my LFS

Post by Silurus »

Try comparing these to .
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Re: Bought these with the C. Julii from my LFS

Post by ginagv »

Thank you!!

Since there are only the 2, I should probably try to find at least 1 more of the c. elegans... the c julii are an adult but unsexed trio.. The two elegans are so sweet together though.. really seem bonded and very gentle with each other..

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Re: Bought these with the C. Julii from my LFS

Post by MatsP »

That's a nice "bonus". I suspect, however, that your "Julii" are not , but , which is nearly always sold as C. julii - nothing wrong with that, they are lovely fish, just a commonly mislabeled fish.

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Re: Bought these with the C. Julii from my LFS

Post by ginagv »

Thank you Mats..

Quite right.. they are not Corydoras Julii but indeed Corydoras Trilineatus. They have grown fairly large actually and are wonderful. Honestly, I think Cories will always be my favorite fish.. I could easily see myself with many aquariums full of nothing but cories.. Maybe when I get old and of retirement age, eh?

Thank you for your help :)

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Re: Bought these with the C. Julii from my LFS

Post by MatsP »

ginagv wrote:I could easily see myself with many aquariums full of nothing but cories.. Maybe when I get old and of retirement age, eh?
There are a few members on this forum that do exactly that - well, perhaps not "nothing but", but certainly "mostly" corys.

I have multiple tanks with a variety of catfish, including some corys.

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Re: Bought these with the C. Julii from my LFS

Post by exasperatus2002 »

Thats one house full of "cats" I wouldnt mind living in. NO LITTERBOX!! lol
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Re: Bought these with the C. Julii from my LFS

Post by nj2tou »

I love cories too! I have a 15 gallon with nothing but cories and a betta. Oh and a few ghost shrimp. :d

I don't think those are elegans. They are very cool though!

I have 7 species - panda, albino, paleatus, trilineatus, metae, leucomelas and something that looks very similar to the leucomelas but I don't think they are. :-$
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