Warm water corydoras

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Warm water corydoras

Post by soltarii007 »

Hi guys,

Just wondering, is there any warm water species(28-30 deg C) around other than C. sterbai? How about the following species:

1) C. weitzmani
2) C. concolor
3) C. duplicareus

Is the breeding trigger for these warm water cories also mainly temperature drop?
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Re: Warm water corydoras

Post by Silurus »

Did you try the advanced Cat-eLog search for an answer to your first question?
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Re: Warm water corydoras

Post by sidguppy »

Corydoras robinae also likes it warm and can be easily kept with altums, discus and the like.
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Re: Warm water corydoras

Post by Birger Amundsen »

A few more...C. sterbai, C. haraldshcultzi.
C. gossei, C. seussi, C. adolfoi, C. duplicareus, C. imitator and C. pantanalensis.
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Re: Warm water corydoras

Post by mummymonkey »

Silurus wrote:Did you try the advanced Cat-eLog search for an answer to your first question?
Doesn't seem to work that? Put in corydoras and minimum 26 C and it returns fish that have a temp range below that?
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Re: Warm water corydoras

Post by MatsP »

The temperature search looks for fish that are happy within a certain range. I think you need to enter both lower and upper range to make it work as expected. It probably should take the opposite value when entering a single value - e.g. if you enter a "min" of 26'C, it would automatically put 26'C in the "max" value as well. That would sort of make more sense than the current way.

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Re: Warm water corydoras

Post by apistomaster »

All of the species from the Rio Negro and system the Corydoras are generally well adapted to warm water. I define warm water as 82 to 86*F or 27*C to 30*C. This question frequently comes up among Discus enthusiasts.
I found C. weitzmani to do well in warm water but some on your list I have not kept. I do have C. dulicareous in 84*F/30*C water but it and C. adolphi are Rio Negro system species so no surprise there.
I have better success breeding fish from the Panatal area in warmer water than most references suggest like C. hastatus breeds well for me in 84*F water. Same experience with Apistogramma species from the Pantanal.
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Re: Warm water corydoras

Post by soltarii007 »

Thanks to all of you for replying!

From what you guys mention above, out of my list it seems keeping C. weitzmani, C. duplicareus and of course C. sterbai in warm water will be possible. :)

This is good for me because of the average temperature here, which hovers around 28-30 deg Celsius(82-86 deg F), too high for most cory species! :(
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