My mystery Cory..

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My mystery Cory..

Post by Milo »

I picked up a group of cw009 today, and together with them I got a, for me, the breeder and my dealer, unknown cory. Both my dealer and the breeder claims that they have ONLY that specie in the tank...
Sorry for no pics her, but my files seems to be too big.
But i have posted the same question in a Norwegian forum, with pics.. ... d_id=57568

The unknown is more yellow/orange in its whole body-colour, with a "shining" metallic-like stripe on its back and a little bit down on the side..

Thank you if you will take time to help me with this....
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Re: My mystery Cory..

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Whre did you buy them?
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Re: My mystery Cory..

Post by Milo »

Sorry 'bout that, but I don't want to out neither the breeder or my dealer here, at this time... But they are both highly respected and experienced...
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Re: My mystery Cory..

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Understand... But to put what seems like CW023 mabe, in a bag with CW009, is not what i call, and I quote: "But they are both highly respected and experienced..." quote end. Thats like ferrari and WV beetle;-)
But all do we wrong:-)
Get a better pick, and I`m sure someone can id it.
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Re: My mystery Cory..

Post by Milo »

Well, I don't give a **** about neither Ferraris or Beetles. All I want to know is what kind of cory I WAS ASKED IF I WANTED together with the rest! And I was compensated for it. So please stick to the topic, okay?

[mod edit: Jools, warning issued]
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Re: My mystery Cory..

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Milo wrote:Well, I don't give a shit about neither Ferraris or Beetles. All I want to know is what kind of cory I WAS ASKED IF I WANTED together with the rest! And I was compensated for it. So please stick to the topic, okay?

Holy Christ what a temper:-) You want get far on PC with an attitude like that!!!! BTW, there is no where in your post where you wright: All I want to know is what kind of cory I WAS ASKED IF I WANTED together with the rest! And I was compensated for it. exept the last post!!!

Enjoy your cory.... Ower and out for me.....
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Re: My mystery Cory..

Post by Milo »

Jada Birger, jeg har temperament så det holder. Fyrer noen meg opp må de tåle å få svar på tiltale, og jeg tar ikke 5 øre for å tråkke folk på tærne om så er.
Men hvem har sagt at jeg har hisset meg opp nå?? Grunnen til at jeg skrev med store bokstaver var FOR Å POENGTERE noe.
Jeg oppfattet det du skrev som spydig og poengterte derfor en del av denne historien som du ikke kjenner til. Hadde jeg virkelig vært hissig hadde du fått et helt annet svar.
Det er god folkeskikk å holde seg til topic og jeg har ikke noe ønske om at denne tråden skal skli ut til noen annet enn det den startet som, nemlig hjelp til id av en cory jeg ikke er sikker på.
Hvis du ikke vil hjelpe meg videre med det, så er det helt greit for min del, men jeg har ikke noe ønske om å fortsette en ufruktbar diskusjon slik denne er på god vei til å bli...
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Re: My mystery Cory..

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Det var overhodet ikke ment som noe spydig, da hadde jeg ikke slengt på smilyer:-)
Men jeg tåler mere enn de fleste jeg, så ingen fare her....
Skal ikke bli en ufruktbar tråd, for all del, det er ingen tjent med:-)
Som jeg nevner, har du et bedre bilde, er jeg sikker på at noen kan ta ID på den coryen:-) Men at den skiller seg ut ifra "grønningene" som jeg gjerne kaller de, er det ikke tvil om...

La meg gratulere deg med nydelig cory uansett, greie å drette er de også:)

Sorry friends for taking this in Norwegian, just had to clarify something, that was better said in Norwegian:-)

Here is the picks btw:-)

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Re: My mystery Cory..

Post by Milo »

Sorry for writing the last post in Norwegian, but it became way to complicated to write it in english...

Back to topic..


This is the closest I've come to what I got today...
I'll try to get some better pics of it tomorrow (today), but I don't think that fish like my camera...

[Mod edit: Put image into post --Mats]
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Re: My mystery Cory..

Post by Milo »

Thank you, Mats. I have to figure out how to put pics directly into posts here... :?

And thank you to Birger for also helping me with pics....

Btw Birger, I think my girl has a group of greens from you. Bought from Gretesam on Akvaforum.. Real nice specs...
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Re: My mystery Cory..

Post by mummymonkey »

I think it's CW09. A pale coloured individual but still CW09.
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