Corys and RCS?

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Corys and RCS?

Post by jetajockey »

I'm trying to find out if anyone has any firsthand experience with mixing corydoras and RCS? I know the adults are safe, but what about the baby shrimp? I am using my planted shrimp tank as a growout for some of my cory fry, and they really seem to enjoy it in there, but I need to move them if they are eating my shrimplets.

Does anyone know if they actively pursue and kill off baby shrimp?

I also use the tank as a growout for a few bn plecos, so any experience mixing them with shrimplets would be appreciated as well.

I can move the fish around, I just don't want to if it's not necessary. Thanks!
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Re: Corys and RCS?

Post by PlecoCrazy »

I can't say I've noticed any cory pursuing a shrimp. I'm sure a few get gobbled up as the shrimp will eat the food you put in for the cories. I have RCS in cory tanks and the shrimp just keep multiplying, small ones become larger ones so I don't think there is much predation going on there.
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