where to buy gulper catfish

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where to buy gulper catfish

Post by lovecatfish4928 »

any good vendors in usa that sell gulper catfish at a decent price? :D :D
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Re: where to buy gulper catfish

Post by MatsP »

I saw two of them in a shop the other day. But they are very rarely seen in this country, I don't remember seeing them ever before - not sure if they are more common in the US. These fish were listed at £69.99 (approx $100) and around 7-8" long.

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Re: where to buy gulper catfish

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

if you are talking about A. batrachus, then Riverwonders.com had one maybe 3-4 months ago. ~1 foot for $500 (before shipping).
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Re: where to buy gulper catfish

Post by PlecoCrazy »

AnubiusDesign had them available to order earlier this year. Haven't seen them on any list lately but keep an eye on his special order page and they just may show up.

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