sexing pseuda's from side shots

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sexing pseuda's from side shots

Post by scatz »

i know its not normally the best profile to sex plecs from, but is it possible to sex pseuda's from the side profile?
I gather that the fins show a difference between the sexes, but i'm not sure how relaible a method this is.
if anyone feels its possible, please have a crack at these for me:
very chunky 114


this is a poor pic, so i apologise, but this one to me has a much larger fin, more like a hi-fin (or of course i could just be imagining it) and its a much more slender fish

lastly is one of my L65 (has been in the wars recently)

so what are all of your thought?
many thanks
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Re: sexing pseuda's from side shots

Post by Linus_Cello »

No idea on sex (they may need to grow up a little more; how big are they?), but the pic of the second L-114 individual is interesting. The pattern is different. It looks like there is yellow within the dark brown/black (very attractive), rather than just the more common dark circles on a yellow background. I'll have to look more closely at mine tonight.
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Re: sexing pseuda's from side shots

Post by scatz »

they should be sexable, the chunkier one is 9" SL, the pretty, slimmer one is 7" SL, and the L65 is about 7" too
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Re: sexing pseuda's from side shots

Post by MatsP »

Probably need "from above" shots...

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Re: sexing pseuda's from side shots

Post by sidguppy »

or from below!

do they ever hang on the front window?

it should be clear if you can get a good picture of the papilla.
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Re: sexing pseuda's from side shots

Post by scatz »

MatsP wrote:Probably need "from above" shots...

thats what i figured, as with most plecs, but wasn't sure if there was any validity in being able to sex by the dorsal shape.

they never cling to the glass, so i'll have to remove them to get a shot from above, wanted to avoid that if it was possible from those pics at all
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Re: sexing pseuda's from side shots

Post by MatsP »

One of the tricky things with sexing plecos is that they either need to be VERY clear sexual dimorphism - like Ancistrus... Or you need a large number of fish, and then you can usually pick out "that's a 90% certain male, and this one looks like the most female in the bunch". And probably play the odds a bit by picking the best two or three of likely males and females.

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Re: sexing pseuda's from side shots

Post by scatz »

MatsP wrote:One of the tricky things with sexing plecos is that they either need to be VERY clear sexual dimorphism - like Ancistrus... Or you need a large number of fish, and then you can usually pick out "that's a 90% certain male, and this one looks like the most female in the bunch". And probably play the odds a bit by picking the best two or three of likely males and females.

yes, a large number of 9" 114's would be nice, and would make it easier to guess at sexes, but unfortunately, i dont have that many of them, i have one more baby to grow on, but would really like to know the sexes of the ones i have
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Re: sexing pseuda's from side shots

Post by MatsP »

Absolutely understand that - I'm just saying that it helps to have plenty to choose from!

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Re: sexing pseuda's from side shots

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

First L114 looks like a female
The other looks a bit small but looking at dorsalfin and color, I would say male.

The L65 looks like a female too.

But as the others says... shots form above would better confirm my suggestions.

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