CW049 Eggs

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CW049 Eggs

Post by Coryologist »

Greetings. Found my first eggs from my CW049's this morning. Unfortunately, all were non-viable, but that did not diminish my excitement, in the least. lol. I'm happy to see any first attempts at spawning and I hope that in usual Cory fashion, they learn the ropes, quickly. Stay tuned. Cheers. - Frank
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Re: CW049 Eggs

Post by MatsP »

Frank, congratulations on the spawn.
Coryologist wrote:Unfortunately, all were non-viable, but that did not diminish my excitement, in the least.
I'm sure it really DID diminish your excitement, even if it was just a little bit. But as I said elsewhere, a basic fundamental step to success in breeding any fish is that you get eggs - if they are not viable, turn bad or something else, it's still very much a step in the right direction to get eggs.

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Re: CW049 Eggs

Post by kim m »

Great Frank :)

Cross my fingers for next batch to be good.
Best regards,
Kim M
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Re: CW049 Eggs

Post by dconnors »

Congrats Frank! :thumbsup: I'm still trying to get my CW051 to spawn. Would you mind sharing your water parameters?
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Re: CW049 Eggs

Post by Coryologist »


@ Mats: OK, I confess. I was slightly gutted, but I got over it quickly. lol.

@ Kim: TYVM Kim. :-)

@ Dave: Sure. The pH is 6.8, TDS 100, temp is 76º. They are in a 10 USG tank with fine sand, 2 sponge filters and a bit of moss. All the eggs were laid on the glass in groups of 5 or 6, randomly throughout the tank. I do 50% WC's, 3x per week, which is standard for my fish room, due to slight overcrowding in many of my tanks. Live blackworms supplement a varied diet, at least every other day. There are only 4 of my original group of 7 remaining and I believe that they are 2 males and 2 females, but one of the fish may be a CW051, which possibly could account for the non-viability of the eggs. I hope this helps and good luck. Be sure to put me on your list as juvies become available. :-)

Cheers. - Frank
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Re: CW049 Eggs

Post by PaulH196 »

Well done Frank, only a matter of time now before a viable batch comes along I am sure.


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Re: CW049 Eggs

Post by corybrummie2010 »

Congrats Frank and well done :thumbsup:
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Re: CW049 Eggs

Post by dconnors »

Thanks for the reply Frank! And no prob, you're at the top of the list! :thumbsup:
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Re: CW049 Eggs

Post by Troender »

Congrats! :thumbsup:
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Re: CW049 Eggs

Post by Birger Amundsen »

Good work Frank :thumbsup:
Best Regards Birger
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