Syno flavitaeniatus

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Syno flavitaeniatus

Post by toby »

I am considering a group of these fish and have read some of the previous threads - thought I would ask some specific questions of the keepers:
After having kept these for a while, what would you consider as a good group size - if indeed group is the way to go. What size tank would a grouping need. I understand they are slow growers so possibly a smaller (for me) one of my tanks like a 75G with a 48x18 footprint, well rocked out for the initial period. From what I have seen, listings typically indicate wild caught fish but usually at 3-5 cm in size? is that feasible - seems like a smallish WC to catch when the larger adults are coming in around the 18-20 cm mark, although I guess if they are being caught in smaller waterways than the rift lakes, it would be feasible? easier? or not? or would this sizing indicate bred fish? As far as bred fish, are most of these out of Asia and Eastern Europe and if so, are these prone to be Heinz 57 varieties - which would be kind of hard to tell on a 1-2" fish.
Any comments / husbandry tips would be welcome.
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Re: Syno flavitaeniatus

Post by MatsP »

I have a group of 4 - I'd be happy to have a larger group. They are very shy and docile.

Small specimens are likely to be tank-bred, I'd say, but could be wrong.

As for tank size, mine are in a tank about half the base area to yours.

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Re: Syno flavitaeniatus

Post by toby »

Would 8-10 be a good group size in that footprint? Is your thinking then that if you had a larger group they'd be out more - more gregarious like multis?
As for the smaller specimens, that's what I felt - tank raised - now I don't really have a huge issue with that (as long as the seller isn't claiming WC) other than the possibility that I am going to get some kind of a hybrid. Are you keeping yours with other fish or in a dedicated tank? How large are yours and have they been pretty slow growing?
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Re: Syno flavitaeniatus

Post by Scleropages »

Toby, 8 would probably be fine in a 75gal tank. I would not expect to keep more than that, long term, in a tank of that size. When they start to get close to 6" TL, they may start to get crowded if you have more than 8.
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Re: Syno flavitaeniatus

Post by corybreed »


I have eight full grown flavitaeniata in a 90 gallon tank. They get along well and are one of the most striking of all the Synodontis. I have some other Syno's in the tank as well as a big school of Congo tetras.

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Re: Syno flavitaeniatus

Post by toby »

When you say full grown, do they get to 18-20 cm - or 7-8" in captivity. Yeah, so pretty much the same footprint as my 75 - how long have you had them. And what other synos?
I am really excited about the prospect of a group of 8-10 of these guys - must look great !!
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Re: Syno flavitaeniatus

Post by Scleropages »

Corybreed, that sounds like a nice setup. How long have you had the group of S. flavitaeniata? How big are they now? They must not get too much longer than 6" TL, no? Any signs of spawning?
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Re: Syno flavitaeniatus

Post by corybreed »

I have had the S. Flavitaeniata for at least 7 years. They are about 6 inches total length. There are three other syno's in the tank, all undescribed. I believe Jools took some photo's when he was over. I have not seen any signs of spawning activity.

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Re: Syno flavitaeniatus

Post by Birger »

They are a great looking fish and a manageable size...I had some but lost them due to a stupid mistake.

I have seen small flav's the size you mention but at least they were the real thing.

Make sure there are enough caves but do not overdo the rock work...they wont be as active as your tangs but leave some cruising space and use wood and plants

A group of are interesting and also a little challenging at times, but may combine well with these synos....they work best in larger groups of 10 or more and are often available.

good choice
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