Catfish sting?

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Catfish sting?

Post by MonteSS »

I was cleaning my tank and felt a sharp pain in my finger. Tank inhabitants are a pair of Apistogramma Jutai, A dozen Neons, 3 cory habrosus, and a little akysis cat. Pain was really bad and lasted at least 3 hours. Finger was throbbing. No obvious signs of trauma. No wound, redness. Only a little slight swelling in the joint.

So was it a cat? Do they inject a poison? I would not even mention it, but it was maybe the worst pain I ever had and lasted at least 3 hours.

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Re: Catfish sting?

Post by MatsP »

They can sting, and there's been some suggestions that they produce toxins. I've never heard of anything more than "it stings like mad and a little bit of swelling", so I don't think they are really dangerous [obviously, just like for instance bees and wasps, if you HAPPEN to get an allergic reaction from the fish, then it can be more harmful].

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Re: Catfish sting?

Post by Suckermouth »

Many catfishes produce venom in glands associated with their fin spines. A study on venomous catfishes was published about half a year ago; it's been estimated between a third and a half of all catfishes are venomous, which would make up the vast majority of venomous vertebrate species. Both Corydoras and Akysis include venomous species. In most catfish species, the symptoms include swelling and severe pain, although envenomation from some venomous species like and can result in death.
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Re: Catfish sting?

Post by apistomaster »

The barbs on catfish fins are coated with a stinging venomous slime but I do not think, or at least I do not know of any mechanism for the actual injection of venom. It may just be a venom that the basal glands produce to coat their spines.

Even C. habrosus can give a good sting. In fact, their finer spines may actually slip into the skin easier than larger species,
Among some common species, I rate stings from Corydoras sterbai fairly high on my list. Panicked specimens exude toxins from their skin and/or venom glands which can quickly kill them in the confines of a fish bag. It appears to be neurotoxin, based on my observations of poisoned specimens. Partial paralysis can be permanent among some survivors.

I also think a severe reaction is only going to happen to extra sensitive individuals. Perhaps if you are sensitive and receive stings regularly as an occupational hazard, perhaps that could trigger anaphylaxis.
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Re: Catfish sting?

Post by nj2tou »

I found that out the hard way, when I had some cories in a critter keeper and one of my cats knocked it over. In my haste to scoop my poor babies off the floor, I touched one of them and holy cow! did that hurt! I thought I sliced my finger open! I did a search here and found that yes, they can "sting" you. Don't recall how long it lasted, but it was a while. I kept soaking it in cold water. Eventually it went away. I'll never do that again! LOL!
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Re: Catfish sting?

Post by mikek »

I was catching a Rhamdia quelen about 8" long to bag up to go to auction as i was supporting the fish in the net withe my right hand on turning the net to tip the fish into the bag the fish flipped out of the net and stung me on the arm within seconds i had a lump come up and a few minutes later my blood veins were sticking out like tram lines had needles and pins in my fingers and a numbness in my wrist and arm i gave the wound a spray with some anti sting spray and went to bead as it was the last fish i Had to catch and it was 1.30 am i had some trouble sleeping but when got at 7 am the arm was back to normal to this day i still have a red mark on my arm the fish sold for £5.00 at the auction regards mike
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Re: Catfish sting?

Post by Back »

While moving my fishes to a new tank a Sorubim managed to escape from the net and landed on the floor. I quickly grabbed it (before one of my dogs) and got stung by one of the pectoral fins. The pain was very much similar to a wasp sting.
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Re: Catfish sting?

Post by Birger »

In case some of you interested in this subject have not seen this... ... -9-282.pdf

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Re: Catfish sting?

Post by nj2tou »


Just looking at that makes me wince in pain! Yowza!
mikek wrote:I was catching a Rhamdia quelen about 8" long to bag up to go to auction as i was supporting the fish in the net withe my right hand on turning the net to tip the fish into the bag the fish flipped out of the net and stung me on the arm within seconds i had a lump come up and a few minutes later my blood veins were sticking out like tram lines had needles and pins in my fingers and a numbness in my wrist and arm i gave the wound a spray with some anti sting spray and went to bead as it was the last fish i Had to catch and it was 1.30 am i had some trouble sleeping but when got at 7 am the arm was back to normal to this day i still have a red mark on my arm the fish sold for £5.00 at the auction regards mike
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