L046 Zebras wanted

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L046 Zebras wanted

Post by kungfuteacher »

L046 Zebra babies really wanted (between 2 and 6 fry)

No outrageous prices please :shock:

:!: **PM only as email visible to other half and these are wanted as a birthday gift type of thing...(although please be reassured that animals are for life...not just for special occasions!)** :!:

I really can not afford the huge prices for juveniles or adults, so please only PM if you are willing to offer a good, reasonable price for the babies.

:thumbsup: All will be well looked after and if breeding should occur in the future, the seller will have first pick of any babies (up to half of the fry) for free, from the first two breedings. :thumbsup:

Delivery to Manchester required (or local pickup)

Many thanks
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Re: L046 Zebras wanted

Post by MatsP »

I'm not the one wanting to buy fish, but to me it seems reasonable to set some sort of expectation as to what you ARE willing to pay. What is "reasonable market value" to one person is "outrageous" to another because they simply aren't willing/able to pay that much.

In the case of Zebras, I know you can get juveniles in various places, with prices ranging from around £40-50 on a private buy for relatively small fish, to £499 for a mature fish in a shop. I have also seen huge variation in other fish - small L128 - £55. Nearly mature (4"+) L128 - £32. So even less expensive fish can have huge variation.

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Re: L046 Zebras wanted

Post by kungfuteacher »

I know outrageous seems a bit vague, but I didn't want to specify too exactly as I wanted to see what was available first.

I'd like to be spending no more than £65 pounds for 2 fry, but again if someone made an offer for 6 that was fab then Id likely take that.

I know that there is a huge amount of variation, especially in stores, and the majority of those I have seen in shops rather than private sellers is way out of my league! At least for the moment...after all i work for the NHS...maybe that'll provoke some sympathy! LOL :wink:
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Re: L046 Zebras wanted

Post by Richard B »

What size do you consider to be 'fry'?

The cheapest i have seen recently are about 2-2.5cm for £65 each & that's not including delivery. There appears to have been a noticeable hike in prices lately from private breeders & some shops are now noticeably less expensive.

I hope you do find some but looking around a bit there seems to be precious little under £100 each at present.
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Re: L046 Zebras wanted

Post by kungfuteacher »

I was looking around that size, but you know what they say, if you don't ask you don't get! :D :lol:
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