Idea for "My Aquaria": Show tankmates to ....

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Idea for "My Aquaria": Show tankmates to ....

Post by MatsP »

I just thought about a "Search for owners who keep two species of fish in the same tank"...

I'm pretty sure it's not going to be MUCH used, but maybe if we discuss it, there could be something useful come out of it...

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Re: Crazy idea for "My Aquaria" feature...

Post by Jools »

It is a similar idea to something I had in my head around "show what keepers of species x are also keeping with it". If that then is listed alphabetically, it would give about the same info?

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Re: Crazy idea for "My Aquaria" feature...

Post by MatsP »

I'm sure that would be great - and a more flexible solution...

I'm not quite sure how you would present it - say we want a list of keepers of L128. So I have Corydoras metae, an Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus and a Sturisoma aureum in the tank.

Someone else may have C. metae and A. cf cirrhosus

Would that show L128 is kept with:
C.meta (2)
A. cf cirrhosus (2)
S. aureum(1)

Mats: C.meta, A. cf cirrhosus, S. aureum
Charlie: C.meta, A. cf cirrhosus

Or something else?

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