Peru orange stripe corys WANTED

Items for sale in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
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Peru orange stripe corys WANTED

Post by Flyfisher »

I have 3 of these and made the big mistake, I should have bought 6!

I'm looking for whatever amounts I can find at the moment.
If anyone has some to sell, that's great. Or, if you've seen them in your local store recently, please pass on their details.



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[Mod edit: Use CLOG tags and remove e-mail address - use PM if you want to contact flyfisher --Mats]
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Re: Peru orange stripe corys WANTED

Post by Richard B »

I'm pretty sure Sweet Knowle had these lat time i was there (not too long ago) - it might be worth calling them (not open saturdays). They do have a real good cory selection
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