Unknown Pleco

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Unknown Pleco

Post by fishman33437 »

What am I?
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Re: Unknown pl*co

Post by Bas Pels »

I think a real

But I can't tell you what species
cats have whiskers
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Re: Unknown pl*co

Post by Richard B »

Wasn't there a thread a while back illustrating a VERY similar fish as a young pterygoplichthys?
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Re: Unknown Pleco

Post by MatsP »

Not a fish I've ever seen. How big is it? If it's quite small, it's quite likely a juvenile form of something that may look a bit different when it grows bigger. Some variants closely related to "common pleco" changes dramatically from juvenile form to adult form.

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Re: Unknown pl*co

Post by Borbi »


I´ll take a very risky bet on this one a say it´s a very young P. punctatus. Some juvenile pictures:
http://www.l-welse.com/reviewpost/showp ... 705/cat/28

Cheers, Sandor

P.S.: Guess that what you meant, Richard?
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Re: Unknown pl*co

Post by Richard B »

Nice one Sandor - i might have meant ?
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Re: Unknown pl*co

Post by fishman33437 »

Richard B wrote:Wasn't there a thread a while back illustrating a VERY similar fish as a young pterygoplichthys?

There may have been-I havent been on in a while. A member from a local forum bought this fish as unknown and others thought it was gibbiceps. It is quite small 1.5" or so TL. Doesnt look like small gibbiceps to me so I figured I'd throw it out to see what others thought.
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Re: Unknown pl*co

Post by Richard B »

pic 5 maybe


[Mod edit: Add image inline --Mats]
Lou: Every young man's fantasy is to have a three-way.
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Re: Unknown Pleco

Post by MatsP »

I think Richard found it... ;-)
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Re: Unknown pl*co

Post by Richard B »

Hey, Milton (Suckermouth) pointed the way in the previous thread
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Re: Unknown pl*co

Post by Suckermouth »

And before that it was someone else that pointed it out to me, though I forget who in particular. :wink:
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Re: Unknown Pleco

Post by MatsP »

Sure, we all learn from each other. That's how learning works, for the most part. If we all had learn on our own, it would take MUCH, MUCH longer.

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