well I thought it was female (quite big but no bristles) so I bought a male with bristles and gave them their own breeding tank (80lit).
after several weeks no sign of eggs so I bought another female (in case the deformed one was not fertile)
within days of adding the female, the deformed one grew bristles! so now I have 2 males and a female.
a week later the new male was guarding 10 eggs - yay - only 3 eggs made it but only 2 fry survived, which are now in a breeding trap (easier to feed).
unfortunately the heater failed overnight just before we had eggs and now the female has what appears to be whitespot.
not sure how to treat this with fry so I have raised the temperature to 26 degrees for a few weeks, and I have ordered some Kordon's ich-attack.
so far we are feeding the babies normal tropical fish fry food (just in case) and chinese cabbage. I also drop a small bit of crushed wafer in. I plan to obtain some spirulina powder too (you can get this from health food shops).
They are a week old and have absorbed the egg sac, they look as though they are 'cleaning' the tanksides, but not sure if there's any algae there for them.
we are going to try and put a sliver of bogwood in the fry tank too, again - just in case...
dad and his eggs
4 day old eggs
fry (sorry about the quality)