My new aquariums and my dog...

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My new aquariums and my dog...

Post by MackIntheBox »

... In an aquarium :beardy:



got 1 new aquarium and I am in the process of setting up the old 55 gallon aquarium
I need a new filter for it

My 10 Gallon
6 tiger barbs, 3 are albino
4 baby Angelfish
1 Plecostomus

My 8 Gallon Tank
6 Neon Tetra
3 Guppies
1 Plecostomus
Couldnt really get any good pics of the fish in it, light level is too low

29 Gallon Hexagon Tank
Empty currently

55 Gallon Long
Empty as well

All the plecos are common plecos atm
and of course they were hiding out so no good pics of them either :P

Will post some more pics tomorrow after I get some fish and filters in the empty tanks

Been a while since i posted on here and I finally have my tanks up and going again
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Re: My new aquariums and my dog...

Post by MatsP »

I would strongly advice that you move the angels out of the tank with the tiger barbs. Angles with no fins don't look so good, and that is undoubtedly what you will end up with.

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Re: My new aquariums and my dog...

Post by MackIntheBox »

theyre only there until the other tank has been established
I wasnt planning on getting them they were given to me free today when i bought the 55 stand and the 29 hex
im getting a filter for both the other tanks tomorrow and will probably move them over in about a week

so far they seem fine, the tiger barbs did start nipping a bit but the angels fought back and stick together
theyre holding their own it seems :thumbsup:

the plan is to move them to the hex tank asap though, just want to make sure its established and the life cycle going before i move these youngins over there

i do appreciate the advice and was worried about putting them in the tank with the barbs in the first place
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Re: My new aquariums and my dog...

Post by Richard B »

Common plecs will outgrow your tanks before too long...
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Re: My new aquariums and my dog...

Post by MackIntheBox »

I know they will
Ive got a 55 Gallon and im getting another 55 gallon so I will have 2 new homes for them when they get to that size
if they outgrow those I will just have to get a bigger tank ;)
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Re: My new aquariums and my dog...

Post by MatsP »

MackIntheBox wrote:I know they will
Ive got a 55 Gallon and im getting another 55 gallon so I will have 2 new homes for them when they get to that size
if they outgrow those I will just have to get a bigger tank ;)
They will definitely outgrow a 55g tank - you're looking for something along the lines of a 500 gallon tank to keep these to full size - they will grow to about 20" in size, which means at least 80 x 40 x 40" size tank - that makes around 530 US gallons.

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Re: My new aquariums and my dog...

Post by sunfish »

Virtually all your fish will outgrow the tanks they are in. If you really want to keep the common plecs you should start looking for a huge tank now, they grow very quickly.

Your 8 gallon tank looks really cool. Is this glas or acryllic?
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Re: My new aquariums and my dog...

Post by MackIntheBox »

the 8 gallon tank is all glass panes and wood frame
its got an internal filter with an air pump for aeration and a small 5 or 10 watt heater that keeps it about 76 or 78 degrees F in there

the angels will be moved to the 29 Gallon when they get bigger
the barbs have already been moved to the 55 Gallon and I just picked up 5 albino cory cats and placed them in the 29 Gallon

so 4 baby angels and a baby common pleco in the 10 gallon
6 tetras, 3 guppies and 1 baby common pleco in the 8 gallon
5 albino corys in the 29 gallon
and 6 tiger barbs in the 55 Gallon
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