A few pictures of some of my fish

Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
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A few pictures of some of my fish

Post by Seb3dge »


I think it's time to start posting pictures. For now, just a couple shots of some of my fish... mostly cats, but there's a guest star too ;)

Wild Corydoras paleatus female

F1 Corydoras paleatus fry (2 months old)

F1 Corydoras paleatus fry (2 months old)

Wild Corydoras simulatus (presumably male)

Male Apistogramma cacatuoides "Orange"

Male Apistogramma cacatuoides "Orange" - again

That's it... I'll soon take pictures of the whole thank (as soon as I redo the scape... It's quite a mess right now)

Comments welcome :)

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Re: A few pictures of some of my fish

Post by 2wheelsx2 »

I'm not much of a Cory guy, but I really love those Apistos and have been thinking of getting some. Great shots.
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Re: A few pictures of some of my fish

Post by Seb3dge »

Yeah, Apistogramma is a great cichlid. Yes, they are "dwarf", but their character is "huge" :) Thanks!

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Re: A few pictures of some of my fish

Post by 2wheelsx2 »

Seb3dge wrote:Yeah, Apistogramma is a great cichlid. Yes, they are "dwarf", but their character is "huge" :) Thanks!

Yeah, I've been doing research on them quite a bit as I get ready to set up a new tank. How many you got in that tank? Can't wait for full tank pics. :p
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Re: A few pictures of some of my fish

Post by Seb3dge »

Just one for now. I got him from a guy that kept him with discuses... but the little guy chased them too much so he had to get rid of him. I've been looking for a female for a long time, and looks like I'm getting her soon... so maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll have babies ;)
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